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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. @Montana of 300 @Lewis @Juggles
  2. Goddamnit! Now I will never win the damn day, all Czar has to do is release one script and then subsequently accrue 9000 fucking likes because of it!!!! AAAARGHHHH But for real, Looks nice, glad you are still adding quality scripts. Much love and Respect
  3. Well well well... Looks like the new Tyler on the Block is being a bit industrious nowadays, figuring shit out and stuff.... We have been watching you.... We will contact you when the time is right... -Nuckolls
  4. sniffle... do you have throwaway lvl 3 accounts for sale sniffle....
  5. welp.... I trusted someone and they hurt me
  6. Yup and its about to be Pos 5 after this weekend with customers that Im working on their Accounts for Quests Psst: Need any Quests done
  7. I'm not revisting white town the Pos fb is from Juggles But Someone please just that Fucker
  8. mio im about to put in a dispute


  9. I would never forget you Towelman
  10. Just wanted to say, @Nate LOOK WHOSE NO LONGER WHITE BIATCHES Love you @DevilApes Fuck you @Marteezy
  11. This troll has lurked for many years, finally coming forth to speak. -EDIT- You forgot to mention I have 0 negative fb also but for real here's some folks who may have some gp @Lewis @Howest @Eagle Scripts @Sysm @Juggles
  12. Its all about that Zammorak, if that was a real cult there would be some major changes in the world
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