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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dreamliner

  1. I can supply pictures of said penis.
  2. I have about 10 of my engineering books for reference sitting on my desk at work
  3. I wholeheartedly disagree with this. If you go through school memorizing, you're doing it wrong. You should have an understanding of how things work and reference material as needed.
  4. That's the same reason I like your mom too. She never says no
  5. >implying his friend isn't logged out at the door >implying his friend doesn't simply log in >implications
  6. You realize that his friend just picks it up, right?
  7. You have too much faith in humanity. I lost faith when my mom bought a C250 for the peace sign. Didn't care what engine or drivetrain was in it, just the peace sign.
  8. >implying you can't browse the interwebs at work >get a real job >E550
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGY3qUJNZkI]]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGY3qUJNZkI cool story brah
  10. nope, I was talking with the dash computer and two of the test options are "SPEEDOMETER ON/OFF" and "TACHOMETER ON/OFF" among other things. And that is what she do. This is from the same tool
  11. i was actually going 40mph in reverse pls stop dat ----------------------- incase anyone was wondering - http://www.bavariantechnic.com/
  12. 180 mph and 9krpm pls sit down
  13. i have the biggest balls
  14. Accuracy by volume. Two broken bots = 1 working bot?
  15. As long as you have a container for your nodes, which is looped though, you should have no problem with NPE's. Your node class makes you able to keep all of your tasks in one list. Makes is easier to manage. So as long as you have a getState in your node class, you should be fine
  16. no m7 dis iz a l3giterm8 disqussion
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