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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/23 in all areas

  1. Haven't used this bot in the last 3 days. I've only used my account login details through this client. How is it that I wake up to having 400m worth of items stolen from my account?
    4 points
  2. okay i gotta put this out there i use osbot with a total of 2b gp and items in my bank and not once has osbot hacked me
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. No offense but 400m isn’t a whole lot. There’s a lot of people on here with 50+ accounts running constantly or more. All holding billions upon billions of gp. Osbot wouldn’t be my concern. Most of the time it’s people in your household, a friend, or a sketchy download with a key logger or rat (remote administration tool). If I were you I’d scrap the account they logged in on change all your password to everything and reformat my pc to factory settings and start over.
    3 points
  5. Giant Mole Killer This script will kill the Giant Mole located beneath the Falador Park. This boss has a chance of yielding a high rate of GP/Hour at higher levels. Base stats of 70+ are necessary for efficient kills. Features Multiple attack methods Melee Dharok Range with SafeSpotting Looting Intelligent banking Dharok repairing GE restocking Player detection with world switching Multiple light sources Falador shield mole locator Mole part exchanging Requirements Skills 43 prayer (Melee, DH) Inventory Light source (bullseye lantern, etc.) Spade Falador teletabs Dwarven rock cake (if using DH) Bank Super restore / Prayer potions Stamina potions Super combat / Super Attack and Strength / Ranged potions Restocking Ring of wealth or Varrock teletabs DH Repairing Lumbridge teletabs GP Trials will only be given to VIP members
    1 point
  6. figured since im actually playing and became a part of this community once again, i might as well show some of my work ive done recently
    1 point
  7. have u visited stronghold of security
    1 point
  8. Any script using the broken hooks is broken... now take your meds
    1 point
  9. Correct, the Run energy hook that was broken has been fixed like 12h ago There is a small issue with item selection atm though, should be fixed asap aswell
    1 point
  10. Who are you and why are you selling propoganda? My bots have been running overnight flawlessly with @KhaleesiGOTR script I am sure almost every other premium script has been running flawless aswell since the updated webwalk hooks were implemented into the client
    1 point
  11. maybe you can go find some place and jump down
    1 point
  12. @Czar Can you please add a way to 'Attack monster between "a-b" time, in milliseconds'? Instead of the delayed attack or regular attack which are very patern-like. For instance you could set it to attack monster between 100ms-5000ms, so it would vary between almost immediate to a few seconds randomly? I use this script alot, and thats the only downfall i see. Either you have to use delayed attacks, or instant attacks, no way to set your own intervals, Each setting is very pattern-like. I would personally donate to you if you did this as an update. and it would allow everyone using the scrip to set their own parameters and be way less detectable.
    1 point
  13. Have option to use looting bag?
    1 point
  14. Hi could I receive a trail as well? Thank you!
    1 point
  15. Can i get to perfect fighter free trial for 24h?
    1 point
  16. Bro the chinning script is coming along. Can you please add the bot potting range potions
    1 point
  17. @Czar Can you please add a way to 'Attack monster between "a-b" time, in milliseconds'? Instead of the delayed attack or regular attack which are very patern-like. For instance you could set it to attack monster between 100ms-5000ms, so it would vary between almost immediate to a few seconds randomly? I use this script alot, and thats the only downfall i see. Either you have to use delayed attacks, or instant attacks, no way to set your own intervals, Each setting is very pattern-like. I would personally donate to you if you did this as an update. and it would allow everyone using the scrip to set their own parameters and be way less detectable.
    1 point
  18. isit possible to save initial setup and low resource mode per profile and bring forward profile selection to the first interface after starting bot?
    1 point
  19. Hey Czar, would really appreciate a free trail on this, thanks
    1 point
  20. Czar can i have hour trial please?
    1 point
  21. Hi Czar, could I have a trial please? Bought the bot. Great work as usual! Thanks for all your great work
    1 point
  22. @RSGOLD FAST Whilst I can appreciate you have eventually refunded the user, we, the Osbot staff have decided that we will no longer allow you to advertise your services using our platform and such have decided to suspend your account. This is not the first time a user has had to come to us to have an issue resolved and quite frankly your livechats attitude is disgusting. It has honestly vexed me to see your live chat agent talk to a customer the way she has and to even say "sue me". It honestly makes me believe that by allowing you to advertise at osbot we're putting our community at jeopardy by allowing you to continue to do so. I seriously believe you need to give them training or even sack them and hire someone who actually gives a damn. How on earth you think you can run a business and not refund a user because they don't agree to your ToS is beyond me. Stringing them along saying "24 hours for sure." No, we do not agree with that at all, the user in both instances should have been refunded there and then or even told your money will be with you within 5 working days. What you've done is directly violate this users consumer rights. If you wish to discuss this further you can do so with @Maldesto User has been banned.
    1 point
  23. Thanks. int str = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.STRENGTH); RS2Widget modeStr = getWidgets().get(593,7); int atk = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.ATTACK); RS2Widget modeAtk = getWidgets().get(593,3); int def = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.DEFENCE); RS2Widget modeDef = getWidgets().get(593,15); int config = getConfigs().get(43); if(str < 13) { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); sleep(1000); if(config!=1) { modeStr.interact("Slash"); sleep(random(3000,7000)); } getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); }else if(atk < 13) { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); sleep(1000); if(config!=0) { modeAtk.interact("Chop"); sleep(random(3000,7000)); } getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); }else if(def < 13) { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); sleep(1000); if(config!=3) { modeDef.interact("Block"); sleep(random(3000,7000)); } getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); }else { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); sleep(1000); if(config!=1) { modeStr.interact("Slash"); sleep(random(3000,7000)); } getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); } Declare widgets and interact with them.
    1 point
  24. Here's an example of checking health percentage, and eating if below a threshold: private int getHpPercent() { int staticHp = getSkills().getStatic(Skill.HITPOINTS); int dynamicHp = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS); int hpPercent = 100 * (dynamicHp / staticHp); return hpPercent; } // --- in your onLoop somewhere --- // // ... int hpThreshold = 50; // 50% for example if (getHpPercent() < hpThreshold) { log("Man, I could really use a lobster rn"); String foodToEat = "Lobster"; if (getInventory().contains(foodToEat)) { if (getInventory().interact("Eat", foodToEat)) { log("Man, that was a tasty lobster!"); } } } // ... How skills work: Good luck -Apa Edit: I've had a look at your code, it looks like you're trying to do too much in one go! If this is your first script, start of in stages. Here's what I would do from here on: Maybe try a simple side project, for example making a very basic woodcutting script. This will help you get the hang of some inventory/rs2object basics If you're super keen on fleshcrawlers, build the script in stages. First do the eating. Then the fighting. Then the banking. Don't try and do it all at once Send me a PM if/when you get stuck, i'm always happy to help. It's a super steep learning curve, but if you know a bit of programming already (no, CSS or HTML won't help you here ahah), then you're in a good shape. Once you feel confident with the API, start branching out and learning about Java itself, object orientation and the concepts involved. It's much easier to learn this stuff when you have the basic syntax down!
    1 point
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