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Because Jagex is going to release trading posts in the near future, I decided to dump the source code form my zybez mercher. I used java because I wanted to implement it into a merching script. //Main.java package aiomercher.util.zybez; import aiomercher.util.zybez.stages.Login; import aiomercher.util.zybez.stages.Offer; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.ZybezOffer; /** * Created by Xerion on 19-8-2014. */ public class Main { static Login login; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); login = new Login("***","****"); System.out.println("Logged-in in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time + 1) + " ms"); //You can add extra stuff here. For example adding an offer. } } Stages//Login.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.stages; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.Requests; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.Character; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.ZybezOffer; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.OfferType; import java.net.*; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by Xerion on 19-8-2014. */ public class Login { public static boolean debug = false; private String username,password; /*Zybez Cookies*/ private String __cfduid,z_session_id,network_cookie,z_rteStatus,z_member_id,z_pass_hash; public Login(String Username, String Password){ try { /*Set Cookie manager*/ CookieManager manager = new CookieManager(); manager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(manager); /*Login - Change this to post request for safety*/ Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=curseauth&module=global§ion=login&do=process?auth_key=" + getAuth() + "&rememberMe=1&ips_username=" + URLEncoder.encode(Username, "UTF-8") + "&ips_password=" + URLEncoder.encode(Password, "UTF-8") + "&submit=Login"); //Requests.sendPost("http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=curseauth&module=global§ion=login&do=process","auth_key=" + getAuth() +"&rememberMe=1&ips_username=" + URLEncoder.encode(username, "UTF-8") + "&ips_password=" + URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8") + "&submit=Login"); /*Fake this cookie*/ this.z_rteStatus = "rte"; /*Set all the variables*/ CookieStore cookieJar = manager.getCookieStore(); List<HttpCookie> cookies = cookieJar.getCookies(); for (HttpCookie cookie: cookies) { if (cookie.getDomain().contains((".zybez.net"))) { if(cookie.getName().equals("__cfduid")){ __cfduid = cookie.getValue(); }else if(cookie.getName().equals("z_session_id")){ z_session_id = cookie.getValue(); }else if(cookie.getName().equals("network_cookie")){ network_cookie = cookie.getValue(); }else if(cookie.getName().equals("z_member_id")) { z_member_id = cookie.getValue(); }else if(cookie.getName().equals("z_pass_hash")){ z_pass_hash = cookie.getValue(); }else{ if(debug) System.out.println("Unknown cookie : " + cookie.getName() + "\t" + cookie.getDomain()); } }else{ if(debug) System.out.println("Unknown website : " + cookie.getName() + "\t" + cookie.getDomain()); } } }catch (Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } if(z_member_id == null || z_pass_hash == null){ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to login!"); } } private String getAuth() throws Exception{ String pattern = "<input type='hidden' name='auth_key' value='"; String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=curseauth&module=global§ion=login"); int beginIndex = response.indexOf(pattern) + pattern.length(); int endIndex = response.indexOf("' />", beginIndex); return response.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } public String getCookie(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("__cfduid=" + __cfduid + "; "); sb.append("network_cookie=" + network_cookie + "; "); sb.append("z_rteStatus=" + z_rteStatus + "; "); sb.append("z_member_id=" + z_member_id + "; "); sb.append("z_pass_hash=" + z_pass_hash + "; "); sb.append("z_session_id" + z_session_id + "; "); return sb.toString(); } public Character[] getCharacters(){ List<Character> character = new LinkedList<>(); try { String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices/274-water-rune", getCookie()); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<option value=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)</option>$",Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(response); while (matcher.find()) { if(debug) System.out.println("Found character : " + matcher.group(1) + " " + matcher.group(2)); character.add(new Character(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)),matcher.group(2))); } return character.toArray(new Character[character.size()]); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public ZybezOffer[] getCurrentOffers(){ List<ZybezOffer> zybezOffers = new LinkedList<>(); try { String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices", getCookie()); int beginIndex = response.indexOf("My Offers"); int endIndex = response.indexOf("</table>", beginIndex); //System.out.println(response.substring(beginIndex,endIndex)); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<tr>\\s*<td class=\"nowrap\"><h3><a href=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)<.*?$\\s*.*\\s*.*title=\"(.*?)\" class.*?\\s*.*?>(.*?)<\\/.*$\\s*(.*?) for (.*?) GP\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*?title=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)<\\/span><\\/td>\\s*.*?\">(.*?) GP<\\/td>\\s*<td>\\s*<a href=\"(.*?)\"><img src=\"(.*?)\" title=\"Delete\" \\/><\\/a>\\s*<a href=\"(.*?)\"><img src=\"(.*?)\" title=\"Mark this offer complete\" \\/><\\/a>\\s*<\\/td>\\s*<\\/tr>",Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(response.substring(beginIndex,endIndex)); while (matcher.find()) { if(debug) System.out.println("Found offer : " + matcher.group(1) + " " + matcher.group(2) + " " + matcher.group(3) + " for " + matcher.group(4) + "GP\t" + matcher.group(5) + "\t" + matcher.group(6)); zybezOffers.add(new ZybezOffer(matcher.group(2),matcher.group(3),matcher.group(1),matcher.group(3).equals("Selling") ? OfferType.SELL : OfferType.BUY,Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(5).replaceAll(",", "")),Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(6).replaceAll(",", "")),matcher.group(7),1,matcher.group(8),matcher.group(12))); } return zybezOffers.toArray(new ZybezOffer[zybezOffers.size()]); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public ZybezOffer[] getCompleteOffers(){ List<ZybezOffer> zybezOffers = new LinkedList<>(); try { String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices", getCookie()); int beginIndex = response.indexOf("My Offers"); int endIndex = response.indexOf("</table>", beginIndex); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<tr class=\"done\">\\s*<td class=\\\"nowrap\\\"><h3><a href=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)<.*?$\\s*.*\\s*.*title=\"(.*?)\" class.*?\\s*.*?>(.*?)<\\/.*$\\s*(.*?) for (.*?) GP\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*?title=\\\"(.*?)\\\">(.*?)<\\/span><\\/td>\\s*.*?\\\">(.*?) GP<\\/td>\\s*<td>\\s*<a href=\\\"(.*?)\\\"><img src=\\\"(.*?)\\\" title=\\\"Delete\\\" \\/><\\/a>\\s*<a href=\\\"(.*?)\\\"><img src=\\\"(.*?)\\\" title=\\\"Mark this offer complete\\\" \\/><\\/a>\\s*<\\/td>\\s*<\\/tr>",Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(response.substring(beginIndex,endIndex)); while (matcher.find()) { if(debug) System.out.println("Found offer : " + matcher.group(1) + " " + matcher.group(2) + " " + matcher.group(3) + " for " + matcher.group(4) + "GP\t" + matcher.group(5) + "\t" + matcher.group(6)); zybezOffers.add(new ZybezOffer(matcher.group(2),matcher.group(3),matcher.group(1),matcher.group(3).equals("Selling") ? OfferType.SELL : OfferType.BUY,Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(5).replaceAll(",", "")),Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(6).replaceAll(",", "")),matcher.group(7),1,matcher.group(10),matcher.group(12))); } return zybezOffers.toArray(new ZybezOffer[zybezOffers.size()]); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } //Stages//Offer.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.stages; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.*; import aiomercher.util.zybez.utils.Character; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by Xerion on 19-8-2014. */ public class Offer { Login login; public Offer(Login login){ this.login = login; } /** * Add an offer to Zybez * * @param id Item ID * @param offerType The Offer type (buy or sell) * @param quantity The amount you want to buy/sell * @param price The price you want to buy/sell the item for * @param character The character you want to appear in the offer * @param contactMode The contact mode you want to specify (PM or CC) * @return True if the offer is placed on Zybez */ public boolean createOffer(int id,OfferType offerType,int quantity, int price, Character character, ContactMode contactMode){ return createOffer(getAuth(id),id,offerType.getValue(),quantity,price,character.getId(),contactMode.getValue(),"",login.getCookie()); } /** * Add an offer to Zybez * * @param id Item ID * @param offerType The Offer type (buy or sell) * @param quantity The amount you want to buy/sell * @param price The price you want to buy/sell the item for * @param character The character you want to appear in the offer * @param contactMode The contact mode you want to specify (PM or CC) * @param notes The Notes you want to add in the offer * @return True if the offer is placed on Zybez */ public boolean createOffer(int id,OfferType offerType,int quantity, int price, Character character, ContactMode contactMode, String notes){ return createOffer(getAuth(id),id,offerType.getValue(),quantity,price,character.getId(),contactMode.getValue(),notes,login.getCookie()); } private boolean createOffer(String auth, int id, int type, int quantity, int price, int characterId, int contact, String notes, String Cookie){ String url = "http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=priceguide&module=public§ion=action&do=trade-add"; System.out.println("auth: "+(auth!=null?auth:"null")+", id: "+id+", type: "+type+", price: "+price+", charId: "+characterId+", contact: "+contact+", note: "+notes+", cookie: "+(Cookie!=null?Cookie.toString():"null")); try{ String urlParameters = "auth=" + URLEncoder.encode(auth, "UTF-8") + "&id=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(id), "UTF-8") +"&type=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(type), "UTF-8") + "&qty=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(quantity), "UTF-8") +"&price=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(price), "UTF-8") + "&character_id=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(characterId), "UTF-8") +"&contact=" + URLEncoder.encode(Integer.toString(contact), "UTF-8")+ "¬es=" + URLEncoder.encode(notes, "UTF-8"); if(Requests.sendGet(url + "?" + urlParameters,Cookie).contains("Your trade has been added to the system.")){ return true; } return false; }catch (Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public String getAuth(int id){ try{ String response = Requests.sendGet(getSite(id),login.getCookie()); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth\" value=\"(.+?)\" />").matcher(response); if (matcher.find()){ return (matcher.group(1)); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find the auth"); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private String getSite(int id){ try{ String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/index.php?app=priceguide&module=public§ion=list"); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"(http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices/" + id + "-.*?)\">").matcher(response); if (matcher.find()){ return matcher.group(1); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("ID is invalid!"); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /* public static String getItemName(int id){ try{ String response = Requests.sendGet("http://forums.zybez.net/runescape-2007-prices/api/item/" + id); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("name\":\"(.+?)\",\"type").matcher(response); if (matcher.find()){ String result = matcher.group(1); //System.out.println(result); //result = result.replace(' ', '-'); //result = result.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); //System.out.println(result); return result; }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find item name!"); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } */ public static enum OfferType { BUY(0), SELL(1); private final int value; private OfferType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public static enum ContactMode { PM(1), CC(3); private final int value; private ContactMode(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } } //utils/Character.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.utils; /** * Created by Xerion on 19-8-2014. */ public class Character { private int id; private String accountName; /** * * @param id ZYbez account id * @param accountName Runescape account name */ public Character(int id, String accountName){ this.id = id; this.accountName = accountName; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getAccountName() { return accountName; } @Override public String toString(){ return this.accountName; } } //utils//OfferType.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.utils; /** * Created by Xerion on 25-8-2014. */ public enum OfferType { BUY(0), SELL(1); private final int value; private OfferType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return this.name().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.name().substring(1).toLowerCase(); } } //utils//Requests.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.utils; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; /** * Created by Xerion on 19-8-2014. */ public class Requests { public static boolean debug = false; public static String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36"; public static String sendGet(String targetURL) throws Exception { return sendGet(targetURL,null); } public static String sendGet(String targetURL, String cookie) throws Exception { String url = targetURL; URL obj = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con.setRequestMethod("GET"); //add request header con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT); //add cookie if(cookie != null) con.setRequestProperty("Cookie" , cookie); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); if(debug) { System.out.println("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : " + url); System.out.println("Follow redirects: " + con.getInstanceFollowRedirects()); System.out.println("Response Code : " + responseCode); } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())); String inputLine; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); response.append("\n"); } in.close(); if(debug) { for (String s : con.getHeaderFields().get("Set-Cookie")) { System.out.println(s); } } //return result return response.toString(); } } //utils//ZybezOffer.java package aiomercher.util.zybez.utils; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by Xerion on 25-8-2014. */ public class ZybezOffer { private int amount, price; private String itemName, itemLink, itemOwner; private long epoch; private OfferType offerType; private String completeUrl, deleteUrl; private int place; public ZybezOffer(String ItemName,String owner, String Link , OfferType OfferType, int Amount, int Price, String Time, int place) throws ParseException { this.itemName = ItemName; this.itemLink = Link; this.itemOwner = owner.replace("Verified owner of ", ""); this.offerType = OfferType; this.amount = Amount; this.price = Price; this.place = place; this.epoch = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz").parse(Time).getTime(); } public ZybezOffer(String ItemName,String owner, String Link , OfferType OfferType, int Amount, int Price, String Time, int place, String CompleteUrl, String DeleteUrl) throws ParseException { this.itemName = ItemName; this.offerType = OfferType; this.itemLink = Link; this.itemOwner = owner.replace("Verified owner of ", "");; this.amount = Amount; this.price = Price; this.place = place; this.epoch = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz").parse(Time).getTime(); this.completeUrl = CompleteUrl; this.deleteUrl = DeleteUrl; } public int getPrice() { return price; } //public int getPlace(){ return place; } public int getAmount() { return amount; } public String getItemName() { return itemName; } public long getEpoch() { return epoch; } public OfferType getOfferType() { return offerType; } public Date getDate(){ return new Date(epoch); } public void completeOffer(String Cookie){ try { System.out.println(completeUrl); System.out.println(Cookie); Requests.sendGet(completeUrl, Cookie); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } public void deleteOffer(String Cookie){ try { System.out.println(deleteUrl); System.out.println(Cookie); Requests.sendGet(deleteUrl, Cookie); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } public int getPlace(){ try { String response = Requests.sendGet(this.itemLink); int beginIndex = response.indexOf("<table class=\"ipb_table topic_list\">"); int endIndex = response.indexOf("</table>", beginIndex); //System.out.println(response.substring(beginIndex,endIndex)); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<tr>\\s*<td class=\"nowrap\">\\s*.*?title=\"(.*?)\" class.*\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*\\s*.*?<span title=\"(.*?)\">", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(response.substring(beginIndex,endIndex)); int place = 1; while (matcher.find()) { if(this.itemOwner.equals(matcher.group(1).replace("Verified owner of ", "")) && new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz").parse(matcher.group(2)).getTime() == this.epoch){ return place; }else{ place++; } //System.out.println(matcher.group(1) + "\t" + matcher.group(2)); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } @Override public String toString() { return offerType + "ing " + getAmount() + " × "+ itemName + " for " + getPrice() + "ea"; } } You are free to use the source code in anyway you like if you give credits to me. Constructive feedback is welcome. However I'm probably not going to change it.4 points
Everyone? I keep hearing about OSBot dying yet we still have the most (or second most) active users on each day out of the 7 or 8 other clients.3 points
Where do I post my username and password to get phished? Oh, right in the link in the description. I'll make sure not to.3 points
2 points
Create new Paypal > Get money > Withraw money > Close paypal account2 points
Dear community members, staff, and friends, Throughout my time on OSBot, I’ve learned more than I could have ever hoped. I’ve made friendships that will exist long after OSBot. I joined OSBot almost 16 months ago and since then so much has changed. I recall joining OSBot simply to use a free rock crab script I had seen. As time passed, the idea of scripting became of great interest to me. My first script, iMakeBalls (later iCreateBalls) was an attempt to make a better script than @Dashboard’s cannonball maker. At the time, I had no idea what I was doing, but it was a fun and exciting experience as it was all new to me. As time progressed, I started making more sophisticated scripts such as my popular druid killer iKillDruids. While the script itself was still terrible, I hard coded enough things in so that it worked most of the time. Fast forwarding in time, I had made a few more scripts and OSBot 2’s release was only months away (in real time). This is when I was contacted out of the blue by @Ericthecmh to create a suite of scripts (called DreamScripts) for the launch of OSBot 2. While I was thrilled by his offer, I was planning on leaving OSBot, but I’m so lucky I didn’t. I accepted @Ericthecmh’s offer to make scripts with him and it was the best decision I could have made. Eric has been an excellent colleague and mentor, teaching me so much over the time we’ve worked together, but more importantly an amazing friend. I even encouraged him to become SDN manager, and he did a great job at maintaining the SDN. Thanks again Eric, we shall work together again, we're gonna make it big bro. Below I will mention a few more people. @Nezz, I remember how much we hated each other, we had tried to sabotage each other in more than one way. I’m not sure what changed, but I’m so glad it did. You’ve been an amazing friend to me and you’re one of the few people I look forward to talking to each and everyday. Whether it’s playing a game or just chatting in Skype, it’s always a fun time. Meeting you has made my life better, and for that I thank you. I definitely look forward to keeping in touch with you and your oversized cat. @Smart, you may just be the nicest guy I’ve ever met on the internet. Not only did you selflessly spend hundreds if not thousands of hours helping OSBot for free, but also you did so with a happiness and attitude that radiated throughout the forums. You’re always a great friend to talk to about anything from devious plots to real life issues. I know you’ll go far in life, just keep that amazing attitude! @Ely, I enjoy hanging out with you in Ely & The Gang. I enjoy the laughs we share, and I hope they continue for some time. Remember @Ely, natural is the best (if you remember what I mean). @Maldesto, while we didn’t always see eye-to-eye on everything I appreciate your unwavering dedication to OSBot. I’ve seen a change in you over the past few months and I think it’s for the better. I really do hope we will keep in touch, thank you for giving me the opportunity (4 of them if I recall correctly) to help this community that I love. I apologize for leaving, especially having just been promoted to super moderator, but life works in mysterious ways sometimes. Keep up the good work, and do stay in touch! @Swizzbeat, thanks for helping me out when I need it. Also, I enjoy our chats whether it’s about lifting or something random. Stay salty. At this point I realize that if I continue typing a lot about each person I will be up all night, so here is a generic list, each of you have meant something to me in my time here (if I forget your name, I am sorry). @Epsilon @Caam @Koy @Cinnamon @Dex, your art rocks, I will no doubt ask you for more in the future! @Deffiliate @Alek @BotRS123 @Dog_ @harrynoob @Gilgad @FearMe @Pandemic @Chris @NotoriousPP @DeAndre @Nick @Dashboard @Th3 @Arctic @Raflesia, you’re the man (or should I say cat, or frog?)! @Zach + @Laz + @Maxi, you made this all possible, thank you. I would also like to take the time to thank all of my past, current and future DreamScripts customers without your support I would never have been able to learn so much. While @Ericthecmh and I will not be developing new scripts for the OSBot platform, we will be updating our scripts and keeping them on the store for all to enjoy. You will still see us in our script threads active as ever! From both of us, thanks again! Now to answer the question of why I am leaving, especially because I was just promoted to super moderator. If OSBot has taught me anything, it’s that nothing really matters except the friendships that we form. I’ve been given the opportunity to help a few of my close friends and I simply cannot decline. I resign from my position of super moderator with confidence that my colleagues @Maldesto, @Dex, @Divinity and @Asuna are more than qualified to keep this place in tip top shape, if I did not believe this I wouldn’t be leaving. Thank you everybody, it’s been a fun ride. I will leave you with some advice, follow your passion, and be whoever you want to be. You live once, enjoy it! Sincerely, Eliot (aka Senior Sheriff Dog) Note: I am retiring the eliot.osbot Skype account over the next few days. To keep in touch add my new Skype: eliot.script tl;dr: I'm resigning, I love you all (almost).2 points
2 points
You should wait till shes super rich ingame, then lure her for bank in wildy, break up and sell the moneys. GWAS2 points
Buying accounts is against the rules of every game website. Im pretty sure he knew this before he bought the account. I offered him compensation methods in regards to leveling his account where as he wouldnt be banned for " buying and selling an account" he chose to dispute the issue rather than talk to me about it and shove it in my face.2 points
pm me if you are interested in one why? i'm awesome EDIT: im going to sleep in about 2-3 hours, im just gonna post some keys below, because i will, in 2 hours, be online in ~18 hours (sleep + internship(fulltime)) if they dont work anymore, PM ME ! ;) template: ID: KEY: 7AV44 PDM3-BCEP-PJFN-6DV5 1ZX79 XLM2-F7AT-BYNB-NBFV 6ST57 T2QK-WNR3-9YVT-FQMN 6PV15 KTED-J4N7-2YNN-VUYJ 8GQ54 4VGA-PL7M-F4QL-GA23 8SB74 0TVE-B7TK-QGWW-54YW 5GS95 JAPC-A37F-GX4M-DLEL 6KX46 1CCN-QHJ3-857R-43YH 3RK83 UJN7-RPW9-3DD8-X1QD 8QU88 TE80-1WGC-4EE4-153C 6OA91 9AR5-KEC4-FYPJ-E5V7 5DE92 AYLR-JXUU-GV21-GQ83 3FT18 8HFP-E5GN-WR2V-KHV9 dont forget to give a like or say thanks =)1 point
1 point
i like cardiovascular exercises, i like beach volleyball very much(im pretty gewd at it), i like lifting, i like @Seks, drinken jagerbombs, pure/mixed vodka, whiskey, donuts etc1 point
Nothing competitive. Basically just a free flowing type with friends or family1 point
This idea is based on my experience with chat box. As most of us probably know/remember there is a specific rule about staying on topic within the chat box. As understandable as this rule is(especially in the forums section) this is harder to do in chat box. People come and go into chat box and those who just came in can't possibly know what the topic is(or for that matter if it's even something they could contribute to). This creates an awkward silence where no one is really quite sure what to say(for me personally it's a combination of my social anxiety and fear of breaking the rules by going off topic). I know for a fact id visit chat box more often if there was a logically consistent order of sorts. To put it simply just as there are several sub-sections of the forums I believe it'd be helpful to generate traffic to chat box by in addition to the current main lobby where everyone in chat box is situated upon entry that there be new sub sections or chat rooms dedicated to a specific topic/category like we have here in the forums. Some may argue that we already have that in the forums but the advantage here is responses are now instant and in real time which many questions would benefit off of being answered in that way. Another benefit is reducing clutter on the forums by moving lots of simple questions to the chat box as opposed to spamming the forums until an answer is given. In this idea the main chat box lobby could still exist as a gathering place as it does now but these additional chat rooms will hopefully purge the awkward science that I think arises from the desire to stay on topic even if the topic is clearly going nowhere or not enough people can contribute to the topic at hand. Fundamentally the main problem which plenty have already mentioned above is the conditions for botting are more complex than once was so chat box aside there is simply a general shortage of botters and with that shortage not enough traffic can be generated like in the old days. It's like the saying goes "If you build it... They will come"; in short the surest way to get everyone to come back is simply to wait until botting conditions one day hopefully improve so that even some of the most inexperienced botters can bot in peace and we can have more traffic generated as a result. I still stand by my idea to have separate chat rooms dedicated to specific categories as it would make the entire chatting process smoother than currently is by getting rid of the awkward silence TL:DR: I propose the development of several sub categories of chat rooms so that if the main conversation in chat box isn't of interest people don't need to be locked in awkward silence and can go to where they like; all the while the main chat box lobby will still exist for everyone to partake in.1 point
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Yeah man, some crazy shit. I wondered if some1 was gonna talk about it on here. lol oh yeah. Good thing he came because Wwe was complete shit recently.1 point
lol, give away max cash on a botting site? where people buy/sell gold? much logic, such phish.1 point
A new bot is being developed by some scripters that used to be on here1 point
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I've been hearing that the decent script developers left due to the lack of activity of the administrators.1 point
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They're clearly just cam hoes who hardly know how to play and they don't enjoy it, but they make irl bank soo1 point
You could always reward her for completing certain tasks, e.g. Get 50 woodcutting = 20 mins of sex Of course when she hits 99 in a skill you're going to have to be pretty damn good for her to continue playing ;)1 point
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It was the first/second time I had taught someone how to apply them to a web browser, which isn't really my responsibility seeing as they are intended to be used on bot clients. Sorry for going that extra bit and giving you additional support, I'll remember not to give extensive customer support.1 point
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