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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/14 in all areas

  1. I vote this thread for one of the most unintelligent and detrimental to IQ threads ever made.
    4 points
  2. Guarantee half of them are from kids with a join date of last month and under 100 posts...
    4 points
  3. So this is what @Gimp does while he's not in chatbox..
    2 points
  4. What if I coded something...that allowed people to chose. Nvm I don't have the time. Done though.
    2 points
  5. Hey guys, just thought I'd release this to get some feedback on what I've been doing. Basically all I did was read a few articles on the A* pathfinding algorithm and attempted to put what I read about it into code. This means it most likely is not anything how A* should actually be written (I've personally never even seen A* code and my version doesn't even use two lists) so that's why I'm saying it's my own modified version. A picture of the application I wrote to graphically represent the code can be viewed below: The code is very messy and multiple spots are hardcoded so the algorithm will only work with this program, but I'm working on fixing it up. Also, I know it doesn't find the "best path" as evidenced by the above picture because of the overflow effect produced when it hits a U-shaped path blocker. This isn't a main concern of mine right now because I will be using this to write an OSBot web walker, which won't include any blockages due to all the nodes being predefined, but in the future I hope to fix this issue and incorporate a best path in. If you're interested in running the application yourself the jar file can be found HERE. To use just hold down your mouse button/click to create an obstacle tile, and press enter to find the path (blue represents tiles searched and cyan is the actual path). Any and all feedback is welcome
    1 point
  6. The highest number in the world is Centrillion = 10^303 . There aren't that many people to guess.
    1 point
  7. what if hellenwong.... has a dong???. just saying failed4life was presumed a girl ^.^
    1 point
  8. PriorityQueue sorts whatever you insert into it by using its compareTo method; So you will want your NodeRectangle class to implement the Comparable interface (Comparable<NodeRectangle>), and compare their F values; Then calling poll on the PQ will always retrieve the best node with O(1) efficiency, and inserting into the PQ is O(log2n) efficiency
    1 point
  9. a PQ isn't exactly pathfinding specific a PQ is this
    1 point
  10. Don't thank me, Than for scamming.
    1 point
  11. NO THATS AGAINST THE RULES! / pm me for something completely unrelated ^.^
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. http://puu.sh/623ab XDDDDDD
    1 point
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