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  1. I've been looking for a project to keep me occupied for a while, and I definitely think this will challenge me and hopefully provide the community with a great script! Basic layout In the process of creating this script, I thought long and hard on what would be the best setup for the project. I created a node based script framework a while back, but I never really used it as none of my scripts really called for it. However, with the upcoming OSBot 2.0 release, which is very similar in style to nodes, I decided that for each clue, I will create a separate node. The advantages here are obvious; easy editing as well as very uncluttered code. Of course, looping through 90+ Ids isn't ideal, so obviously in my main controller I will have a way to per-determine the next node to advance to. Features Very simple, steal clues from HAM members, go to the bank get the needed items, go to the area, perform the needed actions. Other things If any of you have ANY level 1 clues, PLEASE send me a screenshot of the clue as well as the ID of the clue. The person who sends me the most of these pics and IDs will receive a free copy of the script, as well as my eternal gratitude PRIZES!!!! LOOK HERE I am offering 4 great prizes!!! All you have to do is send me a picture of a level one clue scroll (with its itemID (get by using grounditem info in advanced settings))!!! The person who sends me the most: ALL MY SCRIPTS + $10 Second place: My clue scroll script Third: Any of my scripts, except for my clue scroll script WILDCARD! IF YOU SEND ME AT LEAST 5 CLUE + PIC COMBOS YOU ARE ENTERED IN THIS: You can win ANY script in the SDN! YOUR CHOICE! SEND ME YOUR CLUE + ID PICS IN A PM PLEASE! EXAMPLE: http://i.imgur.com/PCuSvgD.png (courtesy of Monkalishous) (Sorry for spelling your name wrong ) Progress: Finished, In progress, Unfinished -Stealing from HAM members -Banking -Clues (94/95) #1LEFT1LEFT: Data for ~94/95 clues [PROBABLY ALL CLUES DATA GATHERED!!] 93 clues actually completed (Most of these have been tested and verified), with one clue not to be supported (Canifis)
    2 points
  2. So I opened a new shop: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/28725-%DB%9E-cinnamons-level-three-shop-%DB%9E-%E2%88%9A-sponsor-%E2%88%9A-cheap-%E2%88%9A-fast-%E2%88%9A-secure-%E2%88%9A-hot/#entry322117 I know theres little lechers on this site, so i'm giving every one of you guys a chance to expand. One level three will be given to three different people. All you have to do to enter is have 40+ posts, have been a member since 31-November, and post why you deserve it. This will end somewhere Wednesday night NY timezone, ill post and pm the winners. You will have 24 hours to respond. If anyone is interested in buying level threes, skype me: cinnamon.osbot, reserving is cheaper. In order to reserve, post on the link above, post how many your buying, and your skype. Merry early Christmas
    2 points
  3. Yeah ban the (maybe) future customers! No support.
    2 points
  4. **Or even if you were asked, don't give internets**
    2 points
  5. Updated for OSBot 2's API! Hello future script writers and other OSBot members! This will be my first OSBot script writing tutorial, and it's geared toward beginners with at least some understanding of Java (however, I'll still be covering some fundamentals). So, let us begin. Step I: Getting the IDE An IDE (integrated development environment) is software that makes programming much easier on you, the programmer. There are many Java IDE's to choose from (IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse, and many more), but for this tutorial, we'll be using Eclipse. You can download Eclipse here. Simply choose the Eclipse Standard and download the version for your computer (32 or 64 bit). Once downloaded, use a program to decompress the archive, and move the eclipse folder to wherever you'd like (C:\, your desktop, it honestly doesn't matter). To open Eclipse, go into that folder and open the Eclipse application. Congratulations, your one step closer to making OSBot scripts! Step II: Basic Java Fundamentals Java, like C++, PHP, and Javascript, is a high-level programming language, which simply means it's very readable by humans (we use English while programming in these languages) and therefore much simpler to write code. If you're an absolute beginner, with no background in programming at all, this is going to go by extremely fast, and I will likely skip over some important topics. If you fall into this category, you absolutely NEED to read these tutorials by Oracle. I'm not sure about most of you, but I feel that a great way to learn something is to dive right in, and worry about the little things after you've started to understand the bare essentials. With that in mind, let's take a look at a simple HelloWorld class: public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World, I'm learning Java!"); } } Now looking at that might be intimidating if you're new to this, but believe me it's very simple! I'll break down some of the common words used above: public: This could be public, private, protected, or default. It simply states the visibility of this class/method/variable. Public items can be seen from outside of your package, private items can't be seen by other classes in your package, protected items can only be seen by the subclasses of your package, and default can only be seen by your package. class: A class is like a blueprint from which objects are created (Oracle). static: This is a keyword that simply means that only one instance of it will ever exist, even if you recreate it infinitely. void: This is the return type of this method. Void methods return nothing, int methods return integers, String methods return strings, and so on. String[]: This is an array. Arrays are just containers that hold a specific number of items (of one type). For example, this method takes an array of strings as a parameter. System.out.println: This is just a method that prints a message to the console and then prints the newline character. ;: Semi-colons are used at the end of any Java statement (note: conditionals and loops do not count as statements), without them, your compiler will give you errors. { }: These curly braces are used to surround/contain the contents of a class/method/etc. This is all of the Java basics I will teach, simply because there are already many resources out there (see above). Step III: Setting up a Java Project Setting up a Java project in Eclipse for making OSBot scripts is simple, just follow these steps: Step 1: Press File>New Java Project and name your project, then press finish Step 2: Add the OSBot .JAR file to your build path Step 3: Add a class to your new project And you're ready to actually start script writing! Step IV: Creating Your Script Now here's where we actually start making your script! For this example, we'll be creating a very simple mining script that will mine and drop everything once the inventory is full (please note: this example is hardly usable for a script, but it shows the basics. With a real mining script, you'll want to replace the object name with the ID(s) of the rocks, so you don't try mining empty veins). Here's the full source: import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(author = "You!", info = "I made this script!", name = "Basic Miner", version = 0, logo = "") public class BasicMiner extends Script { private enum State { MINE, DROP }; private State getState() { if (inventory.isFull()) return State.DROP; return State.MINE; } @Override public void onStart() { log("I can't believe script writing is this easy! I love learning!"); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case MINE: if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { RS2Object vein = objects.closest("Rocks"); if (vein != null) { vein.interact("Mine"); } } break; case DROP: inventory.dropAll(); break; } return random(200, 300); } @Override public void onExit() { log("Thanks for using this wonderful script!"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { } } Now most of that will be confusing, but don't worry, I'm here to help you! I'll break this down for you. import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; These lines import other classes for their use in your script. @ScriptManifest(author = "You!", info = "I made this script!", name = "Basic Miner", version = 0, logo = "") This is the script manifest, which simply tells OSBot your script's author, info, name, and current version (for use in their class loader). public class BasicMiner extends Script { ... } This just defines our class, and extends OSBot's Script class, so we can use all of their fancy API methods. private enum State { MINE, DROP }; private State getState() { if (inventory.isFull()) return State.DROP; return State.MINE; } Here we make an enum (collection of constants) called State which holds two states: mine and drop. Then we have a method that's return type is State (so it returns a State, which we just made). If your inventory is full, this method will return the dropping state, otherwise it will return the mining state. @Override public void onStart() { log("I can't believe script writing is this easy! I love learning!"); } This method is part of OSBot's Script class (which we're extending from). The onStart() method is only called once, and is called at the beginning of the script. This is where you should define some variables that only need defined once (the start time, start experience/level, etc.). @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case MINE: if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { RS2Object vein = objects.closest("Rocks"); if (vein != null) { vein.interact("Mine"); } } break; case DROP: inventory.dropAll(); break; } return random(200, 300); } This is another method from OSBot's Script class (see that @Override?). onLoop() returns an integer, or how many milliseconds to wait before doing onLoop() again. We then use a switch statement to see what we should be doing. If we're to mine, we check if our player is currently animating (mining). If we aren't, we find the closest rock to mine, if that doesn't exist (or is null), we stop right there. But if it isn't null, we interact with the rocks by pressing "Mine". If we're to drop, we simply drop everything in your inventory (you did have your pickaxe equipped, right?). @Override public void onExit() { log("Thanks for using this wonderful script!"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { } onExit() and onPaint(Graphics g) are two more methods from the Script class. onExit() is called once your script is stopped, and onPaint(Graphics g) is called every time the screen is updated. Step V: Exporting Your Script The final step to this tutorial will be exporting the script we just made so we can actually test it out! Step 1. Right click your project and press Export... Step 2: Choose JAR file Step 3: Choose your OSBot's scripts directory and export it! Well that's all for this tutorial, thanks for reading! You can find Part II here! Also: post suggestions for future tutorials, and I'll definitely consider it!
    1 point
  6. Dear community, I want to give you an idea where OSBot 2 is at. First of all I want to let you know that OSBot 2 is rewritten from the ground up to tackle some problems that you as a community pointed out. Things like CPU usage increasing over time in a scale of hours, something that never was a huge problem to most users but could be annoying for some. Besides that, increased overall performance is something everyone always likes to see. By writing an entire new core and taking time to do so, the client will score better at those points. At the moment, there is an abstract core written which is extendable for the most part to write implementations of other server revisions, such as RS3. Whether we will do so or not doesn't matter, it will be reusable. The entire GUI of the current OSBot was written using Swing. For OSBot 2 we are using JavaFX. JavaFX might not be as developed in certain areas as Swing, however those area's won't affect us. Besides that, JavaFX performs faster and gives more reliable output when it comes to exceptions. Not to mention, I personally and many others agree, I think that the look and feel of JavaFX is far better and promising than Swing. At the moment, a lot of the main GUI features are done. The client loads the applet, injects the client, hacks the canvas and such. So from here on, our first focus will be towards designing and organizing the new API. The API will have the same features as seen in the current OSBot and those features will be ported over. This is not a very hard job, most of it will just be refactoring. Other new features will remain secret and will be revealed as progress proceeds. Besides the API, which its functions will not have to be rewritten, we are planning and thinking about a second scripting engine. The current scripting engine is completely sequential in a blocking fashion. The new scripting engine, don't worry the old one won't disappear, we want to give a fully event driven asynchronous environment where you will dispatch tasks based on events and have control over the queue by using policies for tasks. We are looking forward writing this as Laz and I love writing new and fancy stuff. There are many other things that need to be done for OSBot 2, but the above is the majority. We can't give you an ETA, we don't want to stress any deadlines and instead focus on its quality. Laz has done a great job on it so far and now I'm joining him in this battle progress will speed up. I hope you had a fun read, Sincerely, OSBot.org
    1 point
  7. A member from HF saw my thread layout and requested a signature based on it. Nothing special, just something to share Xmas warmth.
    1 point
  8. There is a lot more here than just a fractal and some c4ds... You guys really dont understand... I think the effects are really nice mate! I think the lighting could be a bit better though, its bright where you hit the hammer at then use some dodge and burn to make it better. Dodge his face a lot more and burn behind him, this would create depth and a better light...
    1 point
  9. enjoy da ban, next time don't be posting no penis floppers on the chat boxxxx
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Wow, this week has some AMAZING entries. Thank you to all that participated.
    1 point
  12. NEVER Buy A Script If You Haven't Read The Reviews.
    1 point
  13. 5XQ87 4Y54-0UL7-0WWE-45DA 6TA77 QULY-4UK0-HPK4-EG4Y 7NV28 DL14-FY1R-T28M-RK8Y 5HM42 U82E-GT4V-P703-WKLY SOME key's for anti-malware pro just downloud from the site and add the key
    1 point
  14. I've never understood Apple's desire to use Objective-C. Object oriented programming for core operating system functions is generally frowned upon. For the less essential parts of the operating system, wouldn't it make more sense to use C++, the faster and natively compatible version of Objective-C?
    1 point
  15. But the other site IS SO GOOD RIGHT. Everyone always comes back.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Dear community, As promised 3 days ago we would refund everyone who ever bought any of the Insane scripts. More information about this can be found in this thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/27268-5uck-malicious-content-report/ I said it would have been done in 2 days, unfortunately I found out the second day that the IP.Board Nexus system doesn't support mass refunds for packages. So today I had to write a little custom tool that would communicate with the database directly to do this job for us. I can happily announce that all customers have been refunded with store credit now. In total 634 purchases have been refunded. You can see your account credit by going http://osbot.org/forum/store/ and looking on the right hand or here http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=payouts Edit: Apparently I missed out on the Insane Minotaurs refunds. I have refunded those as well. In total there were 41 refunds of those, so in total 675 refunds have been made. Yours sincerely, OSBot.org
    1 point
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