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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
C j jai C j jai 09/14/13 bought 17m off him thank you BawsZ BawsZ
hednoiz hednoiz 09/14/13 bought 47m off him thank u BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Sold 47m, deal was fast and smooth. Trusted. hednoiz hednoiz
Ash Ash 09/14/13 sold him 20m - thanks! cool dude! BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Sold me 20m 07 amazing guy, Fast <3 Ash Ash
Satan111 Satan111 09/14/13 Bought a Verified PayPal off of me, legit buyer thanks! Helps Helps
Helps Helps 09/14/13 Sold me verified PP acc, ty bra. Satan111 Satan111
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 bought membership pin deal went smooth as a baby's bottom Dylan Dylan
Dylan Dylan 09/14/13 sold him a pin thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 bought 5 pins, and vip. Received straight away very professional +1 Nautica Nautica
HellenWong HellenWong 09/14/13 Sold him 30M eoc, thank you! lolmanden lolmanden
COOLCAR COOLCAR 09/14/13 Bought 1M OSGP - Flawless trade! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 09/14/13 Sold some OSRS ty for buying COOLCAR COOLCAR
Adam Jackson Adam Jackson 09/14/13 Sold an account. He went first lukrecijus lukrecijus
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/14/13 Bought 1 account with no trouble. Great seller and nice guy! Adam Jackson Adam Jackson
Merity Merity 09/14/13 He went first, sold him a pin. Fast and easy Sleepyflame Sleepyflame
Sleepyflame Sleepyflame 09/14/13 Bought a pin, used teamviewer, very easy! THANKS Merity Merity
sn00zz sn00zz 09/14/13 soldhimmembsthankyouforbuyingcomeagainplz BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 bought a pin, ty :p sn00zz sn00zz
Deffiliate Deffiliate 09/14/13 sold him an account fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Bought an abyssal runner. Smooth trading as always. Deffiliate Deffiliate
Dylan Dylan 09/14/13 Sold me a account. Legit and fast. dragon123 dragon123
dragon123 dragon123 09/14/13 he bought my account for paypal. he went first. Dylan Dylan
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Very good, easy and helpfull seller mrjakk mrjakk
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Sold him 50M, Nice and fast. Thanks bro flaxspinner flaxspinner
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