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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
WillyJ WillyJ 09/14/13 sold him 7m fast and easy htnx BawsZ BawsZ
Bayless Bayless 09/14/13 sold him $5 voucher BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 bought 5 bucks osbot Bayless Bayless
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Fast and got what i needed! thanks bought 7m! WillyJ WillyJ
Kronos Kronos 09/14/13 Did Biohazard for him :) Baller Baller
Violent Violent 09/14/13 sold more membership pins thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 thanks man always use you Violent Violent
Rum Rum 09/14/13 Helped me get 18QP + Dragonslayer, Fast and very nice xman xman
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 i went first and sold him 80m gp :) never been more pleased Jchin94 Jchin94
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 bought $3, great trade yet again Tony Tony
ohhungry ohhungry 09/14/13 sold him 3 pins thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/14/13 Bought 3 pins again, great dealer ohhungry ohhungry
Violent Violent 09/13/13 sold him pin BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/13/13 sold me game card ty Violent Violent
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 09/13/13 bought 25m again mb thanks BawsZ BawsZ
Baller Baller 09/13/13 Did biohazard for me. Fast and professional. Kronos Kronos
falabella falabella 09/13/13 he sold me 20m 07 i went first PokemonNerdBoy PokemonNerdBoy
BawsZ BawsZ 09/13/13 Sold 25m, instant payment as always (I went first) TY :) DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
BawsZ BawsZ 09/13/13 Bought a 1 month pin for 3.65m, I went first. Thanks deathcommon deathcommon
Sleepyflame Sleepyflame 09/13/13 Went smooth and fast. Adisan Adisan
5uck 5uck 09/13/13 sold 2 accounts, 5uck went first. lukrecijus lukrecijus
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/13/13 bought two accounts, fast, smooth, good seller 5uck 5uck
Mackadizzle Mackadizzle 09/13/13 Did a puzzle for me, nice fast Nd cheap thanks man mrkwamzz mrkwamzz
mrkwamzz mrkwamzz 09/13/13 Did a clue scroll puzzle for him! Mackadizzle Mackadizzle
Ricky Ricky 09/13/13 Ricky was a great help and was really trusted ill buy again from him next time nitsuj nitsuj
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