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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Helps Helps 09/12/13 sold me a verified account ty BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Awesome guy, legit buyer! Helps Helps
Divica Divica 09/12/13 Sold 30m, glad to sell to him, no hassle uupiits uupiits
flaxspinner flaxspinner 09/12/13 Bought a money making guide for 25m darkxor darkxor
MattCC MattCC 09/12/13 Great guy, helped me out with plenty of things, and overall had a good attitude. Sleepyflame Sleepyflame
Divica Divica 09/12/13 Bought another voucher, smooth as always ty Divica! MCFC MCFC
MCFC MCFC 09/12/13 Sold him a $10 voucher for 07gp ty Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 sold him 20m and got my payment very quickly with no hassle. GREAT!!! Jchin94 Jchin94
Royal Services Royal Services 09/12/13 bought 40m off him fast n easy thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 sold him 40m, i went first. got payment in 2 min! thx alot Royal Services Royal Services
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Bought a pin, went really fast, tumbs up! MGT Madness MGT Madness
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Sold me a pin, fast and smooth. Runecrafter Runecrafter
COOLCAR COOLCAR 09/12/13 bought gold off him thank u BawsZ BawsZ
o0sva o0sva 09/12/13 Sold 4 memberships. Nice guy lukrecijus lukrecijus
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 thanks sold him osrs COOLCAR COOLCAR
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Fast, efficient, and legit! Will use in future. MM went smooth RSH RSH
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/12/13 Bought 4 upgrades. Took a while, but everything is working fine. o0sva o0sva
RSH RSH 09/12/13 Sold him a level 101 account - Nice and smooth. Good guy magsimo magsimo
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Middlemaned account. Nice n smooth. magsimo magsimo
magsimo magsimo 09/12/13 Amazing trader. Extremely happy. Fast & Reliable RSH RSH
Superman Superman 09/12/13 A** Made him Avatar! Hades Hades
Hades Hades 09/12/13 Made me a profile picture I went first thanks! :P Superman Superman
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 ty for pin maxfame5 maxfame5
BawsZ BawsZ 09/12/13 Bought 2 cards. I went first. Very friendly, helpful and trustworthy person. TheAnswer TheAnswer
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/12/13 Sold me an acc, he went first. Good seller highly recommended++ GTi GTi
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