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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Beezmans Beezmans 10/12/13 Sold him gold, quick and easy. Falsified Falsified
robogym robogym 10/12/13 Sold Insane Druids Voucher. They went first. Smooth/fast 5uck 5uck
Violent Violent 10/12/13 Sold him 14mil Jugofmilk Jugofmilk
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 Just sold 52m, i traded 52m first and got the payment in my bank instantly :) Dalgleesh Dalgleesh
Divica Divica 10/12/13 Sold 10m kevmandx kevmandx
Bots Bots 10/12/13 sold a pin thanks fastand smooth BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 Sold me a membership upgrade, there sure is a good reason to why he is #1 :D Ty! Bots Bots
mikey121192 mikey121192 10/12/13 He went first, everything went smooth. Alek Alek
Alek Alek 10/12/13 Bought 1m rs 2007 gold great instant delivery recommend mikey121192 mikey121192
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/12/13 Fast delevery 5 min after i payed i got my account's a OS cash ty,1+ will use ag Evil Bender Evil Bender
Trustmybet Trustmybet 10/12/13 did MM for me, went fast and was cheap. good guy :D Nick M Nick M
Wray Wray 10/12/13 sold him a members pin fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 Bought a membership pin thanks! Wray Wray
beastlymaul beastlymaul 10/12/13 bought 6m 07 from him via amazon, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/12/13 Sold 6m for amazon credit I went first <3 beastlymaul beastlymaul
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/12/13 Went Smoothly ^.^ Fun Guy Fun Guy
Kanye Kanye 10/12/13 sold him 5 accounts, thanks:D Prefraud Prefraud
Prefraud Prefraud 10/12/13 Sold me 5 lvl 3's. Nice guy, easy transaction. Kanye Kanye
Kanye Kanye 10/12/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/12/13 bought an account. Kanye Kanye
Fun Guy Fun Guy 10/12/13 make babies with me. Amber Heard Amber Heard
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 Great seller. Went smooth Littlewayne Littlewayne
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 sold him 47m! very fast!!! thx bro! ;) Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 10/12/13 bought 47m off him fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/12/13 Sold me 10m 07GP, Fast as usual and safe Nick M Nick M
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