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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Divica Divica 10/10/13 sold 21m Good guy like always and very fast payment Thanks Mystere Mystere
Mystere Mystere 10/10/13 Bought 21m via Paypal, easy trade. Thanks very much Divica Divica
falabella falabella 10/10/13 Charged back over $300 for gold pruchased from me for the last month. Cannakid Cannakid
falabella falabella 10/10/13 Scammer, there is a reason why his gold selling shop thread is locked. BEWARE! Cannakid Cannakid
falabella falabella 10/10/13 Would never trade with this guy he is a scammer *BEWARE* Cannakid Cannakid
Blackbone Blackbone 10/10/13 Bought 39m via Moneybookers! Thanks Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/10/13 sold him 39M cheers! Blackbone Blackbone
Mountain Goats Mountain Goats 10/10/13 Sold him 20M - very quick and legit buyer. Thanks man! B2B B2B
B2B B2B 10/10/13 Great service. Quick and easy:) Mountain Goats Mountain Goats
ershnip ershnip 10/10/13 did quests for me super fast, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
ohhungry ohhungry 10/10/13 paid instantly when i did quests for him. very very nice person to do business ershnip ershnip
BawsZ BawsZ 10/10/13 purple phat for 20 level 3's and 94m 07 ytube111 ytube111
rsnerd rsnerd 10/10/13 bought 3 2 days codes off him wink180 wink180
wink180 wink180 10/10/13 Sold this man some XBL codes rsnerd rsnerd
Violent Violent 10/10/13 Fast and helpful :) ty Excell Excell
Excell Excell 10/10/13 Bought 24m 07 gold for PayPal thanks Violent Violent
Alek Alek 10/10/13 bought 3m 07 off him ty Violent Violent
Violent Violent 10/10/13 He went first, trade went smooth. Alek Alek
Exposed Exposed 10/10/13 Sold him two wc accounts<3 A+ Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 10/10/13 Bought 2 Wc'ing accounts, Very smooth! Exposed Exposed
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 10/10/13 bought 10m thanks bro BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 10/10/13 Sold 10m, instant payment as always!! DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
SupremeLeader SupremeLeader 10/09/13 We did a trade. He/she went first. Goku1 Goku1
Velocity Velocity 10/09/13 Bought 3 accounts, awesome seller. connerd connerd
Violent Violent 10/09/13 Bought p2p ty vipert vipert
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