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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
dallas420 dallas420 12/17/13 Sold me 1 RS Pin he is legit!!!!! A+++ Kittens Kittens
Kittens Kittens 12/17/13 sold 35 day pin fast and smooth dallas420 dallas420
iliri iliri 12/17/13 good he went first sold him 2 bonds cutiekank cutiekank
cutiekank cutiekank 12/17/13 bought 2 bonds, insanely quick, no problems iliri iliri
nightowl5894 nightowl5894 12/17/13 Just did a firecape for this dude! Super Chill! 10/10 OSRS Butlers OSRS Butlers
Ricky Ricky 12/17/13 bought ip, very fast smooth, will buy again Lucy Lucy
Lucy Lucy 12/17/13 Sold an IP to! Great buyer Ricky Ricky
OSRS Butlers OSRS Butlers 12/17/13 got me a fire cape fast and cheap, very trust worthy! thanks nightowl5894 nightowl5894
Kyle Kyle 12/17/13 Did monkey madness, The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome village in 3 HOURS! 100% recommen BloodFlavor BloodFlavor
Divica Divica 12/17/13 Talked on skype, gave him 07 gold and he sent paypal 4 seconds later A+++ Knas Knas
Knas Knas 12/17/13 sold me 2m 07 via pp,t y :) Divica Divica
Maldesto Maldesto 12/16/13 sold him 25$ amazon he went first! Amazon Amazon
Divica Divica 12/16/13 bought a pin, tyvm :p sn00zz sn00zz
Maldesto Maldesto 12/16/13 Sold him a 50$ amazon card I went first Amazon Amazon
Amazon Amazon 12/16/13 Bought 25.00 amazon gift card for 07 GP I went first Maldesto Maldesto
koszmar koszmar 12/16/13 sold him 6,5m thanks m8 <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
De Houthakker De Houthakker 12/16/13 sold me 3.6m ty Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/16/13 bought another bond, very smooth and I went first very trusted koszmar koszmar
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/16/13 Bought 6,5M, went fast! Good seller Lotisen Lotisen
Doctor Doctor 12/16/13 Sold him 6m, thanks alot <3 domdom domdom
domdom domdom 12/16/13 Bought 6m for 2.6per/m. Everything went perfectly smoothly :) Doctor Doctor
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/16/13 Sold him some 07GP again. De Houthakker De Houthakker
wish321 wish321 12/16/13 Did the quest Eadgar's Ruse for him, he went first :) Watersatoosa Watersatoosa
Watersatoosa Watersatoosa 12/16/13 did edgars ruse for me was fast and excellent! wish321 wish321
sane magicia sane magicia 12/16/13 paid me after help with script botme botme
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