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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Divica Divica 12/17/13 Smooth and fast trade. Got my membership in 5 mins. kruiwagerpiloot kruiwagerpiloot
ninjahturtle ninjahturtle 12/17/13 Did xmas event fast and smooth Route 66 Route 66
Route 66 Route 66 12/17/13 did it fast for him! ninjahturtle ninjahturtle
Credskiz Credskiz 12/17/13 I went first. Fast, reliable and easy! Many thumbs up! jollllis jollllis
Shrooms Shrooms 12/17/13 Ty for the pos fb. anyways I'll put the Skype logs up soon in the dispute #skid. Prefraud Prefraud
DevilsDoty DevilsDoty 12/17/13 Sold him 1.5m, thanks <3 domdom domdom
domdom domdom 12/17/13 Very fast and nice! DevilsDoty DevilsDoty
Divica Divica 12/17/13 I sold him 70M, a few seconds later the money was on my paypal :) nikodinho4 nikodinho4
JakePully JakePully 12/17/13 I went first, legit. ocochumbo ocochumbo
wish321 wish321 12/17/13 Bought from him his main for my 30M 07 Bug Bug
Satan111 Satan111 12/17/13 Sold himi sponsorship Amazon Amazon
Bug Bug 12/17/13 sold him acc was easy to work with! wish321 wish321
school101 school101 12/17/13 bought his gold , ty HellenWong HellenWong
Mikasa Mikasa 12/17/13 Sold a bond, quick and easy, ty. Satan111 Satan111
Satan111 Satan111 12/17/13 Sold me 1 bond :) Mikasa Mikasa
HellenWong HellenWong 12/17/13 This was the fastest sell i ever did school101 school101
Amazon Amazon 12/17/13 Bought his sponsorship <3 Satan111 Satan111
De Houthakker De Houthakker 12/17/13 exchanged his eoc to 07 BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/17/13 Traded some eoc/2007 De Houthakker De Houthakker
Unversable Unversable 12/17/13 Sold a bond, quick and easy, ty. Satan111 Satan111
Satan111 Satan111 12/17/13 sold me a bond Unversable Unversable
A Basic Nub A Basic Nub 12/17/13 sold him sold ad space on my thread Amazon Amazon
Ricky Ricky 12/17/13 got advertising on my thread great guy Amazon Amazon
GOD GOD 12/17/13 Did Monkey Madness quest :) Easy going buyer :) 10/10 OSRS Butlers OSRS Butlers
Lloyd Lloyd 12/17/13 Great order quickly cheap and efficient!!!! Jack44 Jack44
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