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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/18/13 thanks :D cutiekank cutiekank
cutiekank cutiekank 12/18/13 Exchanged 13m rs3 for him (: Trustmybet Trustmybet
Lucy Lucy 12/18/13 sold bond ty Violent Violent
Violent Violent 12/18/13 smooth trade, i went first, bought 1 bond Lucy Lucy
Swaq Swaq 12/18/13 Did x-mas event, nice and quick koszmar koszmar
koszmar koszmar 12/18/13 Did Halloween event for me. TYVM <3 Swaq Swaq
Vlad Vlad 12/18/13 sold bond ty Violent Violent
GoldenGates GoldenGates 12/18/13 mm'd a trade good job dallas420 dallas420
Violent Violent 12/18/13 went smooth Vlad Vlad
Amazon Amazon 12/18/13 He bought my moneypak card and sold me amazon cards. I went first 4x400 4x400
Swaq Swaq 12/18/13 Very slow and retarded trader lol, l2setup beforehand. Still went good though. GoldenGates GoldenGates
dallas420 dallas420 12/18/13 Trade went well, took long, but well. I was middleman. GoldenGates GoldenGates
dallas420 dallas420 12/18/13 Sold me a cheap pin, Thank you. Swaq Swaq
GoldenGates GoldenGates 12/18/13 MM'd a pin buy. I love his Naruto balls <3 <3 <3 Swaq Swaq
tiky12 tiky12 12/18/13 sold him 3.8m and he went first,legite and pleasure to trade with the budyd yoyoaha yoyoaha
A Basic Nub A Basic Nub 12/18/13 he went first very trustful! wish321 wish321
wish321 wish321 12/18/13 I got an acc of him went smooth and was legit ty ! :) A Basic Nub A Basic Nub
Lucy Lucy 12/18/13 great seller :) A Basic Nub A Basic Nub
A Basic Nub A Basic Nub 12/18/13 sold 2m- went fast and smooth, he went first Lucy Lucy
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/18/13 bought 4 lvl 3's got them within seconds thankyou! L S D L S D
Divica Divica 12/18/13 Excellent service, thank you! grampas6 grampas6
Slunse Slunse 12/18/13 bought him premiumon another site good trade Amazon Amazon
Amazon Amazon 12/18/13 thx for good trade <3 Slunse Slunse
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/18/13 Was going to use the Free MM service but hes awesome so got a Voucher from him! ejamesc ejamesc
twotoned twotoned 12/18/13 Sold him a $10 voucher thank you! :) Cinnamon Cinnamon
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