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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
omachao omachao 12/16/13 Do not trust, feedbacking himself from another account. BiscuitMan BiscuitMan
omachao omachao 12/15/13 Contact for info before removal. Would not trust user Amazon Amazon
Dylan Dylan 12/15/13 Sold him 52m , great guy nice safe paypal transaction! PipiDaga PipiDaga
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/15/13 middle man'd $150 trade for 52m 07 Dylan Dylan
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/15/13 Good mm, 52 trade, made me laugh GJ PipiDaga PipiDaga
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/15/13 sold me 52m 07 gp LEGIT A++ Dylan Dylan
wowmatte wowmatte 12/15/13 Sold him 2 bonds thanks babe Cinnamon Cinnamon
fishereater fishereater 12/15/13 Cool got 2m :) dafalcon209 dafalcon209
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/15/13 bought 2 bonds, 10/10 he took a shit and it took MAX 5 min wowmatte wowmatte
2 Pac 2 Pac 12/15/13 Sold him 12.6m, thanks <3 domdom domdom
domdom domdom 12/15/13 Bought 12.6m 07 gold for $33 I went first. 2 Pac 2 Pac
Cobwebster Cobwebster 12/15/13 Gave him money, He gave the account right after. Easy and simple! z1ll10n z1ll10n
fishereater fishereater 12/15/13 WOW AMAZING! I will buy from him again! he sold me a really good 07 account! Pacman2 Pacman2
Divica Divica 12/15/13 Thanks bby, top grade MM PipiDaga PipiDaga
PipiDaga PipiDaga 12/15/13 Bought 20m from him! Trusted him with 54$! mathew mathew
mathew mathew 12/15/13 Sold him 20m 07, great guy! PipiDaga PipiDaga
Divica Divica 12/15/13 mmed a 20m trade! Thanks! mathew mathew
ultimedown ultimedown 12/15/13 Sold 2 Level 3's He went first Route 66 Route 66
domdom domdom 12/15/13 Sold him a signature Billion Billion
Billion Billion 12/15/13 Bought a sig, thanks <3 domdom domdom
Route 66 Route 66 12/15/13 bought 2 lvl 3's. trade went well :) i gave money first. ultimedown ultimedown
oler40 oler40 12/15/13 sold him 10m. best buyer ever! thx m8 ;) A++++ Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 12/15/13 Bought 10M 07, fast! 6x now I think:D oler40 oler40
DoinYourMom DoinYourMom 12/15/13 Gived me a job and afther he payed me fair:) Lloyd Lloyd
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 12/15/13 bought 07 gp, trade smoothly,ty HellenWong HellenWong
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