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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
US Air Force US Air Force 12/19/13 Sold him a lvl 3 ty <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/19/13 Bought 1 level 3 fast and easy :) US Air Force US Air Force
B2B B2B 12/19/13 Sold him a Gmauler, nice guy rafid424 rafid424
rafid424 rafid424 12/19/13 Bought his account, patient and nice guy. Thansk! B2B B2B
domdom domdom 12/19/13 sold him 20M very fast and friendly ,thanks rskingp rskingp
rskingp rskingp 12/19/13 Bought 20m rs3, thanks <3 domdom domdom
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/19/13 Made him a sponsor on my thread thank you Amazon Amazon
Amazon Amazon 12/19/13 Paid to advertise for me <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Kyle Kyle 12/19/13 Done his 50 att/str :) ziiink ziiink
ziiink ziiink 12/19/13 Got me my stats I wanted in a hurry! Use him!! Kyle Kyle
michael turner michael turner 12/19/13 Sold him bond for 1,4M he went first was quick thnx! Bug Bug
Bug Bug 12/19/13 Trade went smooth. bought bond 1.4m i went first michael turner michael turner
Violent Violent 12/19/13 bought 10m, thanks haydenrocks2 haydenrocks2
Amazon Amazon 12/19/13 He was a MM, AMAZING! Trustful and Professional Supreme H Supreme H
Supreme H Supreme H 12/19/13 Sold him a account, fast & legit! A+ Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus 12/19/13 AMAZING! He went first with a MM, trustfull and legit! Supreme H Supreme H
Amazon Amazon 12/19/13 Middleman account trade A+ Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/19/13 great guy very helpfull thanks for the sell :D Bong Bong
2 Pac 2 Pac 12/19/13 traded him 9m eoc for 1125k 07 (he went first) A++ Dylan Dylan
Dylan Dylan 12/19/13 Gave him 1125k on 07 for 9m on eoc I went first. 2 Pac 2 Pac
banneduser banneduser 12/19/13 Bought an AWESOME account from him, thanks so much <3 domdom domdom
domdom domdom 12/19/13 Legit guy, dealed with him for $20 eoc account, I went first first, really like banneduser banneduser
domdom domdom 12/19/13 I bought an account, I went first, very trustworthy Llama Llama
wish321 wish321 12/19/13 Scammer dont trade with him hes going to be banned! Bug Bug
rifleman230 rifleman230 12/19/13 got me a torso was fast and easy to work with! wish321 wish321
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