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  1. I competitively lifted in the UPA-AD. Trained with a guy that was trained by a former world's strongest man for my entire lifting career. (Even trained with a former world's strongest man a couple times.) Gotta rotate that rep scheme though to keep making progress. We always did for our bench/squat/deads: Month 1:8 x 135 8 x 175 8 x 225 5 x 5 x working weight 135 x burnout Month 2:8 x 135 8 x 175 8 x 225 3 x 3 x working weight 135 x burnout Month 3:8 x 135 8 x 175 8 x 225 2 x 2 x working weight 135 x burnout Month 4 (One chest workout):8 x 135 2 x 175 2 x 225 1 x MAX Reset @ month 1 All in lbs. btw. And ofc add 1-2 exercises to each day to burn out, chest flys, leg press, barbell rows, etc. At the end of the day though dude, I was strong as hell, big as hell, but I live a pretty active lifestyle, like to run, play sports, and after a couple years of that routine, I could really feel it. My ankles would feel almost like they were broken if I took off running, etc. It just wasn't I guess functional would be the word. These days I just do 8-15 rep range to build size and stay functionally strong.
  2. You guys should just host in-house. Something breaks, Zach pops a new couple SSD's in (though the fact that two SSD's went simultaneously is pretty fucking mind-blowing) and life continues as normal. You could use a regular PC as a BDR with some ShadowProtect incrementals everything would be fine and dandy. Fuck hosting companies.
  3. Holy updates, I better PP you MORE Redbulls
  4. Tyrael


    I need a paint for my AIO Runecrafter that I'll be releasing shortly. Below are some examples of shit I like: I like colors that pop off of a white background, ^ that blue, black, the splatter brushes worked nicely in the first example (credits to OSB's best Muffin ). Price negotiable. Dimensions need to be: 491 x 116 Post or PM a proof. Thanks!
  5. I call bullshit. If you have both runtimes installed, remove them, reinstall them, then reboot your computer. Also, confirm you have your mirrorclient.jar placed in %userprofile%\OSBot\Data.
  6. Cheers man Feel free to swing in the chat box as well.
  7. Figured I'd through this out there (your avatar): "Excuses are useless, when your mouth's stapled shut" Haha! But OT: I'd say you're more than a fair bit safer using premium scripts. Thinking from a non-programmatic standpoint, the basic logic is there that clearly someone's going to put more effort into scripts they're going to get paid back for. And that sums up the entirety of botting with OSBot pretty much. The paid scripts are just generally designed to be more stable, work better, yield better results, and of course act more human. Now apply the points I hit on above to ban rate. If you're using a free script that hasn't been updated in 6 months, and you afk it, and come back to find it's been stuck clicking the same spot in a failed attempt to use an object or attack an NPC, that's obviously going to borderline guarantee you a ban. And of course at the other end of the table, you have a paid script that's been updated yesterday, and has 45 revisions including bug fixes, etc. Now which would you rather trust your account with? I apologize for the word vomit, but here's the TL;DR: I'd highly suggest using premium scripts, they're worth it.
  8. Might as well add virmach.com to the OP as well. I bought a private proxy from them, and busted them yesterday for it being resold. T__T Got a damn "Too many connections from this address" while I was running 1 bot. Ffs.
  9. People that want to test mirror client detectability by botting 24/7 should also test what happens when you drop a radio in your tub while taking a bath
  10. Because I've dealt with Muffins several times, trusted him with a 50m bank, bought gold from him, and since I'm in the CB quite a bit, I see all the helpful links/instructions he provides to people that barge in going "WHAI MAI BAWT NO W3RK?" that most of us ignore and CBF to deal with. Which I think deserves a bit more recognition than TWC.
  11. So I'm not quite sure what section this belongs in, but I wanted to open a thread to petition the removal of Muffins TWC. Muffins was one of the first people I met when I came to OSBot, and has always been by far the most helpful in the CB. he's almost always available, and no matter how annoying the questions he's asked may be, he always replies with a very calm explanative demeanor. The argument could be made, very strongly in fact, that he's more helpful in the CB than the collective bunch of CBAs, excluding Varc, who doesn't really count on account of being a Global Mod now. I'm unsure of the circumstances of Muffin's ban a while back, and I haven't bothered Muffins to find out what happened exactly. However, in light of his unban, clearly the issue that occurred was either overruled, or staff thought it otherwise unimportant enough that it merited his ban repeal. And since his return, as is evident in his feedback, he's returned directly to his old positive helpful self. Just to hit on this one more time to summarize how I feel about this situation: Muffins is a sterling member, and absolute asset to the CB, TWC is an insult to the fantastic positive contributions he supplies on a daily basis. Obviously if TWC was applied by staff, it can likewise be removed, which I think this situation clearly dictates is the proper course of action. Thanks for reading!
  12. Welp, I just bought this script. Unfortunately do to ban rates on the regular injection client I only use Mirror, which according to your thread, is not officially supported by this script. So I suppose I'll just let it collect dust in my script repository until mirror client support becomes more mainstream :b (p.s.) I did try running it on mirror mode, and it just doesn't work. It either sits idle in the boat, or the game ends and it spam clicks trying to run into the ocean to the north. Oh well. *shrugs*
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