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About talipen

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  1. OSBot version: 2.7.73 Script version: Mos trecently Mirror mode or injection: normal Description: Account gets logged out on 6 hour timer, and doesn't recognise it has a spindel in the area to kill. On login keeps trying to use resources on the altar rather than killing the current. Can you reproduce this? If so how: If it logs out before killing the spindel. Bot log: Screenshots/video if available:
  2. Purchased the script, just running now. Biggest issue I see currently is how it handles doors at the watchtower. The clicks really aren't very accurate and miss clicks on doors regularly.
  3. It was long gone. They never got back in touch.
  4. Had an issue maiing dragonstone jewlary. It would withdraw 13x of each. Go to furnance and make 1 then run to bank and repeat instead of making the full 13. Doing dragonstone necklaces at edgeville.
  5. Hi all Welcome to my account selling thread, I have multiple accounts that I no longer use or need. If you are interested in making offers on any of the accounts please add me on discord and we can discuss. I have spent over 10 years on OSBOT and in this time sold multiple accounts. The group ironman game mode has gotten me hooked with friends so looking to offload some of my accounts as they are no longer used. Account 1: 1. Pictures of the account stats No bans Account will come with a bond 223 QP including DS2 Infero, Void, Avernic, Torso, Account 2: No Bans Account has DS2 completed Account 3: Mith Gloves, Horr from Deep, DT, MM1 No Bans Account 4: No Bans, Attack questsed. 41 QP Account 5: Previous third party client ban Quest Cape, All untradables except Infero/Avernic Hard Diaries complete and some Elite 100+ Days of Membership Account 6: No Bans Account 7: No Bans All pure quests done. Fcape, MA2 FT2 completed Account will continue to be levelled. to 75 attack and maxed strength/mage Account 8: Void, Torso, MA 2, 290 QP, Defender All hard diaries completed. Previous third party client ban (Expire Account 9: No bans, STOD Pure, Perfect for BH Attack quested, comes with roughly 5m in gear Account 10: STOD 13 defence, Addy Gloves Completed No Bans Account 11: Addy Gloves, Quested Pure. Account will continue to have Strength trained Single Ban Expires September 2023 All accounts are for sale. None of the accounts are unregistered emails TOS: I am not responsible for any bans, locks or punishments Jagex might issue. I will provide assistance with unlocking the account for the first month after purchase. Any time after this I will not assist. If you resell the account I will not assist with anything. I might buy the account back if you wish to resell for reduced rate I am the OO of these accounts, some are linked to fake emails so will not be responsible should any unlock attempts be unsuccessful Payments must be made first, payment plans can be put in place for the more expensive accounts Any questions please add my discord: Griff#1581 (UID: 295055164530753536)
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