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Perfect Fighter AIO


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I will be posting some useful profiles for various npcs such as blue drags etc. in my discord on the #fighter channel as pinned posts, definitely give it a try :) For taverley knights - I'll keep an eye on it, using web-setting 1 or 2 btw? They have different results. 1 is osbot's and 2 is mine, I'll try both.

For al-kharid warriors + chaos druids ty for the heads up I'll add a way to save walk-settings and maybe even move the walk-settings to the actual main setup window. Looks like osbot's failed for those, and my web seems to be working there :doge: And how are chaos druids with looting bag btw? I am planning on dedicating a couple accounts there soon just need to prep some new accs.

For progressive mode yes we have it supported in the bot, top left corner -> schedule -> select. It'll bring up a menu to design/schedule a sequence of fight tasks/npcs. Though it is quite complicated to set up, I'm working on simplifying everything including the whole fighter setup window, it's too messy from adding new settings/features over the years everything's clogged up :feels: The new setup window has a lot of shortcut buttons, a list of pre-defined profiles and sequences (including progressive levelling) to make life easier. 

Trials enabled gl guys, please bot responsibly :doge: 

@forumaccount <3 thanks for the support and helping new users, #forumaccount4supermod :doge: 

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hey they czar, thanks for quick reply and i tryed on both the walkk settings after watching it i noticed it clicks the gate once could add the save walk path that would be cool as or maybe just change if poss to that gate where it would click 3times and gain access also posting the settings on your discord would be awesome buddy thank you loads

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Great script. Ran into a problem when using spells. When selecting the spell and selecting 'using autocast', for some reason the script gets stuck in an infinite loop of switching between the magic tab and the inventory, doing nothing else. This is happening while I am in a safe spot near some black demons I'm trying to kill.

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Script getting stuck trying to bank @ Kourend Castle. It appears the script doesn't register the door that needs to be open.


[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Walking to preferred bank: Kourend Castle bank...
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: getWalkDestinationSuh->[x=1612, y=3681, z=2]/ does indeed have an action.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]:  aforementioned action is called: Kourend Castle (north) floor 1-2
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: We are at least 16 tiles away from our destination. Or we are standing on it!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]:    we: [x=1616, y=3683, z=1], dest: [x=1615, y=3687, z=1]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: We are more than 5 tiles away from our destination ([x=1615, y=3687, z=1])
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Let's perform the action at: [x=1615, y=3687, z=1] and dest: [x=1616, y=3686, z=2], is it reachable: true and label: Kourend Castle (north) floor 1-2
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Jus try it fam!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Staircase found nearby, should have been a direct tile!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Staircase pos: [x=1616, y=3687, z=1], name is: Staircase
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Unidirectional staircase found, the only option is: [Climb-up] rest are [Climb-up,null,null,null,null,]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: reached tho, going [Climb-up]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: near stairs! (within 7 tiles) should be clicking: Climb-up
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: Clicking: [Climb-up]
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:52 PM]: move there
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:53 PM]: Succeeded object action!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:53 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetWalker: Wait 1s until we move 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:55 PM]: Currently banking!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:55 PM]: Setting to bank now 2
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:55 PM]: "did_teleport_bank" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:55 PM]: Command (did_teleport_bank) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:55:55 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 6s until deposit box is open (Kourend Castle)"
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:56:00 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait 3s until bank is open until bank/depo open 1.1"
[INFO][Bot #1][05/10 12:56:00 PM]: Script Perfect Fighter has paused!



Edited by next_god
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Is it possible for you to change the click box for the prayer flicking feature? the bot clicks randomly inside the large prayer icon when a real player would click near on the same spot for the duration they are flicking. I think it would be safer if the bot chose a random spot on the prayer icon the clicked in a miniscule area around that spot, changing spots every time it stops and re-starts prayer flicking. I'm looking at changing over from juggles AIO fighter as the interface is annoying me.

Thanks :)

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New Update (v291.6)

- Added mount quidamortem + soul wars banks
- Patched kourend castle unreachable bug
- Added teleport to house (inside) and (outside) options
- Fixed webwalking bug with taverley npcs
- Removed check for spellcasting
-- Now fixes the opening of inv/magic tabs bug

- Now stops on message "not enough runes" instead of checking for runes each time
- Improved alch code
- Chinning plugin now sips prayer restores at a higher % to prevent deaths

Prayer flick: I love the idea, I will code a new click box and it'll be added in the new setup window, I can't find any space on the current setup window to place it. I'd love to override it and make it default for everyone but there will always be that one random guy who removes the orbs in-game etc which will cause it to fail :doge: 

Elder chaos druids yes they will now pray at the nearby altar, recently added that altar I believe only 2 versions ago

@Album Progressive equipment: I am assuming rune scimmy was on the auto-equip (default equipment) setup, we gotta de-select those if upgrading equipment. The bot will try to auto-equip the best thing in inventory, with a weapon placed in default-equipment, the bot will just juggle between equipping the two weapons (default vs progressive), though this is a good point I'll add a way to prevent this from happening. If you haven't selected that then it's entirely another issue, I'll keep an eye on it :doge: In any case send over the profile you're using so I can help better, atm all I can work from is my assumptions :feels: I'll test with a new account in the meantime, sure I'll find the bug regardless.

And either way, recently I've been working on my the planner interface which will also have presets there, and I will be adding GE support there too btw so we can all have better farms :doge: so the bot will auto-buy the weapons it needs from bronze-rune (depending on what you set the target level to).

Update will automatically go live within 24 hrs, as usual a lot more features/updates/patches coming.


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