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Perfect Fighter AIO


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15 hours ago, ospaul said:

I've tried many times to get banking to work while using a spec weapon. Script always equips spec weapon on the way to bank to activate spec then deposits main weapon and breaks.

I'll add a code to force the main weapon being equipped while going to bank and while banking. In the meantime we may be able to do a temp solution by deposit-blocking the weapon (setup -> banking -> items -> right click spec weapon -> deposit-block), but it's best to wait for the upcoming update

On 11/13/2020 at 5:27 PM, ospaul said:

In nieves slayer cave this script has been running to other peoples cannons over 10+ tiles away in completely different rooms attempting to fix their cannon.


Also support for equipping bracelet of slaughter/expeditious bracelet on break would be fantastic!

Will take a look at the cannon thing now. And is your cannon tile completely configured, so that the bot is drawing a silver/grey box under the cannon tile? Please confirm as it will help with isolating the error.

As for bracelets yep, will be improving those. they are supported but only a basic version, I think it will only replenish them at bank if there's no bracelets worn, but more functionality is on the way. Big big emphasis on slayer is a priority for this script, except we can't do AIO slayer stuff because it will interfere with the osbot market rules

On 11/14/2020 at 10:54 PM, Nick West said:

Does this script have CLI support?

Yep, so we type in the profile name as the CLI parameters, e.g. if I have a chicken killer profile named [chicken_kill123.txt], I'll type [chicken_kill123] as the param without the .txt part. Aside from that we still need to add CLI for the plugins, because they aren't supported yet. So stronghold/crabs/gdk has no CLI just yet but it's coming :D

On 11/16/2020 at 9:39 PM, luketic262 said:

Hey man! I purchased AIO Stronghold back in 2018, took a break & am now back to see that Perfect fighter has replaced that script? Does Stronghold script still work or do i need to upgrade to Perfect Fighter? Id love to get rolling on running some scripts asap. Thanks!!

Stronghold updates are now live, both here and on the normal scripts lemme know if you run into any issues

On 11/12/2020 at 6:23 PM, sherman59 said:

I recently started having problems with the script. After i set up everything in gui and press start bot it gives a lot of errors. If i try to stop the script it freezes bot client. Here is the log:

INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_slayer_ice_cooler) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "aio_fighter_attack_delay" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (aio_fighter_attack_delay) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "aio_fighter_special_wait" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (aio_fighter_special_wait) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_pot_while_combat" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_pot_while_combat) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_b2p_wait_food" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_b2p_wait_food) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_save_bounds" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_save_bounds) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_save_safespot" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_save_safespot) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_stopcon_safe" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_stopcon_safe) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_tile_loot_distance" changed to "8"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_tile_loot_distance) changed from () to (8)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_real_distance" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_real_distance) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_allow_multicombat" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_allow_multicombat) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_reattack_target" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_reattack_target) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_expeditious" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_expeditious) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_slaughter" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_slaughter) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_planner_auto_upgrade" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_planner_auto_upgrade) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_allow_wildy" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_allow_wildy) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_wildy_emergency_tele" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_wildy_emergency_tele) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_lootbag_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_lootbag_mode) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_loot_single_ammo" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_loot_single_ammo) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_superior_slayer" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_superior_slayer) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_0" changed to "Slayer_helmet_(i)"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_0) changed from () to (Slayer_helmet_(i))
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_1" changed to "Strength_cape"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_1) changed from () to (Strength_cape)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_2" changed to "Amulet_of_torture"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_2) changed from () to (Amulet_of_torture)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_3" changed to "Abyssal_whip"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_3) changed from () to (Abyssal_whip)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_4" changed to "Bandos_chestplate"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_4) changed from () to (Bandos_chestplate)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_5" changed to "Dragon_defender"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_5) changed from () to (Dragon_defender)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_6" changed to "Bandos_tassets"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_6) changed from () to (Bandos_tassets)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_7" changed to "Regen_bracelet"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_7) changed from () to (Regen_bracelet)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_8" changed to "Dragon_boots"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_8) changed from () to (Dragon_boots)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: "ss_default_equip_slot_9" changed to "Berserker_ring_(i)"
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Command (ss_default_equip_slot_9) changed from () to (Berserker_ring_(i))
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: Beginning save profile...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 2
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 3
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 4
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 5
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 6
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 7
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]:  checkpoint 8
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:06 PM]: SAVED 2 to: C:\Users\G\OSBot\Data\perfectfighter\profiles\AbyssalDemonKourendNoarch.txt
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: ---------- ready ----------
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Command (npc_list_size) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Command (npc_name_0) changed from (Abyssal_demon) to (Abyssal_demon)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Command (npc_cb_0) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Command (loot_list_size) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Command (bank_list_size) changed from (9) to (9)
[ERROR][11/12 07:12:08 PM]: Uncaught exception!
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal octal escape sequence near index 2
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.o(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.escape(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.atom(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.<init>(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.String.replaceAll(Unknown Source)
	at a.com3.F(iu:2594)
	at a.com3.z(iu:845)
	at a.com3.AA(iu:3425)
	at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
	at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
	at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
	at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
	at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
	at org.pushingpixels.substance.internal.utils.RolloverButtonListener.mouseReleased(RolloverButtonListener.java:108)
	at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
	at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)


Profile seems to have an error in it, my best guess is that equipment/armour is causing issues, pm/post the saved config for the fighter so I can check it out and help/fix, should be an easy and quick update

39 minutes ago, ospaul said:

Also, is there a way to prioritize loot with higher GP over bones? I've noticed at wyrms the bot will leave dragon knives or alchables on the ground and pick up the bones because inv is full

And is it ignoring stackable items (while having the same stackable item in inv)? I'll take a look. Also did you try the [Eat food for space] option, it should help with inventory management - other than that, in your opinion what should the bot do? Lemme know so I can add it to the bot, perhaps make it drop lower valued items etc? Or loot items first and then ignore bones completely? Also can you confirm if you're doing [Loot my tiles] and [Wait for loot]? They have a huge effect on the code which is why i'm asking xD


Currently working on update v273.0 guys! Stay tuned for the release :D:D

Edited by Czar
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On 11/19/2020 at 11:57 PM, vento_aureo said:

Hi could i get a trial? 

Couple questions, how well does it support monsters like farming rune dragon, brutal black dragons or gargs?

How long do you guys recommend running it/break settings a day?

All three supported, but requires some configuring for better results, I've given you a trial run so you can see for yourself. With that being said I'm working on adding a way to have 'preset profiles' that are examples of good setups for certain npcs, so if we want to fight rune drags but don't know the best setup, it'll load one from the preset list and allow us to modify/tweak to our liking.

On 11/20/2020 at 8:49 AM, blackychaan said:

Are you ever planning on adding cli?

Yep it's already supported, type in the profile's name for the CLI parameters. If you're talking about having a scheduled/progressive training where we can fight new monsters after certain levels, then it is WIP and it won't take long to add support for

On 11/19/2020 at 3:17 AM, ospaul said:

Yes, cannon tile is properly configured with box drawn around the tile

Thank you, i've got the update down for better cannon system, should be available in the next version

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On 11/29/2020 at 7:57 PM, kazel said:

czar what the option to attack ur npc only cant seem to fine it.

if you're talking about retaliating, then its in misc 2 tab [only fight my npcs].

But for fighting a specific npc in general: [only fight npc in my fightzone] and then in-game draw a box of the area with F7 and it should do the trick ^^ :D we're working on a way to choose and click a single npc similar to the thieving bot (sticky npc mode) where it will single out whichever npcs you select 

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