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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Worked fine yesterday, as of today it doesnt work anymore. Keeps getting stuck before hitting an npc. (Men in Edgeville, Goblins in Lumby) I'm on mirror mode. 

Logger tells:
Finding nearest NPC..
No nearby npcs found.. 
Can't find far away npc.


While he is literally standing next to them. @Czar



EDIT: Works fine rn, did the same thing and now it hunts for the npc.

Edited by paNicM
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POH regeneration, still working on it, i'm working on a universal system for both the runecrafter and the fighter. Will be converting some code from my runecrafter to add more teleport options (poh) to this fighter bot too.

Ogres - currently it's not coded to enter the fenced area, but I will add support for entering and looting items. I highly recommend tele-grabbing at ogres for the most efficiency.

Shades - will update, can you confirm that you enabled the option Shade in the bottom-left box of the setup window? I will try with and without and make sure it works. If not selected it will automatically default to killing ankous.

@mitsuki which looting options did you enable for rock slugs? It may not work if combined with 'only loot my drops' and 'wait for loot'? Please let me know which settings you used so I can reproduce your issue and fix it immediately. I couldn't get it to fail, I will try more variations in the meantime.

Mouse offscreen for cannon mode, when do you want to move the mouse offscreen? After refilling the cannon I'm assuming? Lemme know!

@ajbelge did you manage to get ammonites working better?

@count me in - yep breaks are handled by the official osbot client. I am working on a nice option to override it though :D

@panicM glad to hear you got it working, any tips for users who may have experienced the same situation? perhaps starting a new fighter profile fixed it I assume?

Have also been working on some silent updates for you guys, nothing too big just improvements and tweaks for various issues (from forum thread, discord, pm's)

Trials - activated enjoy guys!

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16 hours ago, Czar said:

Ogres - currently it's not coded to enter the fenced area, but I will add support for entering and looting items. I highly recommend tele-grabbing at ogres for the most efficiency.

im using telegrab as looting and ranging with cannon, it rarely happens, but every now and then it missclicks and enters the cage and just dies.. so if its possible to make it notice when its inside and leave??

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23 hours ago, Czar said:

Shades - will update, can you confirm that you enabled the option Shade in the bottom-left box of the setup window? I will try with and without and make sure it works. If not selected it will automatically default to killing ankous.

I believe I used the proper setting. I tried it multiple times when I noticed it occurring.

Thanks for looking into it.

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