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Perfect Fighter AIO


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I was using the NMZ plugin and when I checked after a few hours it was spam clicking on overload pot or absorption outside of nmz. Here's what log I could get, I still had like 16 pots of absorption and 8 overloads too. I set the absorption minimum to 150 also.

[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Unable to find the absorption points left interface(top left)! 
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: The interface style must have been updated as we can no longer identify it!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Report to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Unable to find the absorption points left interface(top left)! 
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: The interface style must have been updated as we can no longer identify it!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Report to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Unable to find the absorption points left interface(top left)! 
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: The interface style must have been updated as we can no longer identify it!
[INFO][Bot #1][05/19 08:21:55 PM]: Report to Czar immediately!

Edited by ill drop you
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For rock crabs + keeps going to bank: make sure to have some food in inventory otherwise the bot will go to bank to search for some food, it should work after you hold a few pieces of food in inventory and perhaps set the food in your setup window too ^^ :D just so the bot doesn't panic about food :D

as for human input enabled, are you using any plugins? I can see how it may lock the mouse, but how are you causing it to happen? I am able to click npcs manually, and type too, without pausing the script. Also, did you set custom fight bounds (as it uses your mouse)? Please confirm :D 

NMZ - I will add a quick fix, will be updating the interface detection code :D

@Bawseee glad to hear, thanks for your support and feedback :D Let me know if you have any issues/suggestions/ideas I will help :)

Edited by Czar
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Just added a small version update:

New Update (v242)

- Task manager fixed
- Profiles now accessible via task manager
- Added fix for equalizer
- Attack styles fixed
- Brimhaven dungeon webwalking fixed
- TzHaar banking fixed
- Added performance improvements, script runs better with memory and CPU. (please confirm if you see an improvement or not!)
- Eating fixed, no more deaths
- Specs are now handled via minimap button instead of the attack tab
- Stop on slayer task improved

More to come, just had to post these updates since I coded them first, will be doing another update as soon as I can, stay tuned guys ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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On 5/19/2019 at 2:56 PM, Czar said:

As for weapon upgrades, sounds like a good idea, I have this for my pest control script I will convert + add it to the fighter script too. As for banking it will deposit everything except for your chosen layout, so unless you added the weapons to your banking loadout (in the setup window) it will just throw them in the bank.

That's the problem.
If you want to do manual upgrades, you have to add them to the banking loadout, stop the script when you no longer need them and re-set up the banking loadout because guess what happens when it wants to bank and expects that upgraded weapon that is now equipped to be in the inventory/bank? 😉 Hopefully that'll be a non issue with you added in weapon upgrades.

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49 minutes ago, Sahin0313 said:

can i ask you something?, sometimes my Exp. screen dissepears and then i get a list of F-numbers.. how can my Exp stats back.

Press Control.
The list of F-numbers is the list of commands you can use with the script.

4 hours ago, paulpbrd said:

I left this running whilst i was away over the weekend, I didn't set it up to do much, I just let it slaughter chickens, not bad.


Did it survive?

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