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Perfect Fighter AIO


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A couple of suggestions based off using it for a couple of months:



- Fix the web-walking and make sure it supports all the new stuff! I've found out that for example, either using your webwalker or osbot's, I still can't get the bot to walk to the Chasm of fire to fight Greater demons for example, of course, this would be an lengthy process and I don't expect it to be done any time soon!

- Make choosing a fighting area mandatory. For example, it would be a million times better for development and for the end user, to have to set up the bot in the area just once, and then save any required info to make sure that you can just click the saved profile and it'll walk to the area! Also, this would get rid of most issues when it comes to new users not knowing why the bot is having issues fighting monsters etc

- Fix support for magic/range - By this, I mean you could possibly change the way the GUI works, specifically when it comes to the options on the first page, you could move some of them to the misc page and just make sure choosing the main options is simpler for the end user!

- When it comes to handling loot, you might want to download a copy of the RSBuddy exchange and parse it, this would help out when it is down and would still allow the user to chose the 'loot above xxxx' option when their servers are down, or you could host a copy on a server (ofc this would be the easiest but more money investment needed from your side)

- For going back to fighting area after banking, would be amazing to have a fairy ring system (Might be a bit harder to implement) where you can choose the closest one and the code, then the rest could be handled by the webwalker! This could be amazing as sometimes the web walker uses a realy long path to a monster when the fairy ring system is a lot better! Also, could possibly add support for the Draemen staff after partial completion of fairy tails part 2? So you could still use the fairy ring system as long as you have the staff in your inv. Could be a simple as just equipping it, and then before it starts web walking again to the destination, to equip the last worn weapon :) 



- When pausing the script, it loses track of xp gained and profit made some times

- When fighting area is not set, the bot sometimes runs backwards and forwards (I'm presuming due to loading a monster that's further away than the bots own generated area)


These are just some of the suggestions that I have! If I come up with any more or want to contribute with an idea, I'll post it here! No hard feelings from all of this ofc, the script is still the best fighting script out there :D 

Edited by Protoprize
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Really appreciate the response and detailed feedback, some of the details you mentioned are already on my to-do list for the script, I will be continuously adding more and more updates, especially geared toward the configuration and use-ability of the script. Fairy rings will be supported in the upcoming versions, especially since I have started allowing osbot webwalker with teleports enabled, and with a bit of fighter setup, perhaps dramen staff can be configured nicely to run with fairy rings and it opens up a lot more possibilities :D Will be noting down all points/details/feedback for the script. Thank you! :D

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18 hours ago, Czar said:

Really appreciate the response and detailed feedback, some of the details you mentioned are already on my to-do list for the script, I will be continuously adding more and more updates, especially geared toward the configuration and use-ability of the script. Fairy rings will be supported in the upcoming versions, especially since I have started allowing osbot webwalker with teleports enabled, and with a bit of fighter setup, perhaps dramen staff can be configured nicely to run with fairy rings and it opens up a lot more possibilities :D Will be noting down all points/details/feedback for the script. Thank you! :D

I really enjoy using your script, but atm I cant seem to get the script working properly. Im training mage while using combat attacks, when I lvl up, the script doesnt seem to continue on afterwards. Also, sometimes it doesnt seem to attack the targets... Seemed to be working fine before this, but unfortunately a lot is broken atm =/

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28 minutes ago, deadskin said:

I really enjoy using your script, but atm I cant seem to get the script working properly. Im training mage while using combat attacks, when I lvl up, the script doesnt seem to continue on afterwards. Also, sometimes it doesnt seem to attack the targets... Seemed to be working fine before this, but unfortunately a lot is broken atm =/

Have you got your fighting area set up? And did you choose the magic spell option in the GUI before starting?

25 minutes ago, WhoseThisGuy said:

@Czar Is this fully functional? I seem to see a lot of issues in the comments? Are you consistently updating? I am very interested. Thanks!

Most of the issues that people encounter are due to setting up the script in the wrong way for the task that they want to do :) Czar has taken down the script from the shop while bugs and suggestions are being worked on. IMO, the main issue is just with the user interface, as people aren't using it correctly! 

Also, this script gets updates and bug fixes regularly 

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On 3/2/2019 at 8:44 AM, Czar said:

Script is temporarily hidden for 1 month guys, so no purchases for the time being - hopefully we can get it back to store earlier. My last update broke something and I had to fix it ASAP.

New update will go live within a few hours max, let me know how it goes :D Version will be: v237.0


Update is now live, good luck guys :D

Does this fix the 100% cpu on mirror? starts off fine then over time climbs to 100 idk why only this script and the woodcutter have done this.

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Can anyone get the cannon feature to work? I've not been able to. Ive tried many time. I do all the settings like I would as normal and tick for cannon set when to fill it up and start the script and nothing it just stands their! It says I need to set a tile for my cannon so I go on the tile it is set up on and press F1 which does nothing. Any help would be appreciated please.

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For mirror and cpu usage, does hiding paint improve memory? I usually assign a lot of memory to my mirror clients and it survives a bit, but I will be checking out why there is so much cpu used vs. stealth injection. Will also be consulting with scripter chat to see if any other scripter has the same issues etc.

As for cannon, will test + add update ASAP.

Thanks for feedback guys, stay tuned for the next update ^^


Pushed update v237.1 - cannon is back to normal, working again ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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3 hours ago, Czar said:

For mirror and cpu usage, does hiding paint improve memory? I usually assign a lot of memory to my mirror clients and it survives a bit, but I will be checking out why there is so much cpu used vs. stealth injection. Will also be consulting with scripter chat to see if any other scripter has the same issues etc. 

As for cannon, will test + add update ASAP. 

Thanks for feedback guys, stay tuned for the next update ^^


Pushed update v237.1 - cannon is back to normal, working again ^^ :D

@CzarHow can you assign memory to osbot?

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4 hours ago, Czar said:

For mirror and cpu usage, does hiding paint improve memory? I usually assign a lot of memory to my mirror clients and it survives a bit, but I will be checking out why there is so much cpu used vs. stealth injection. Will also be consulting with scripter chat to see if any other scripter has the same issues etc.

As for cannon, will test + add update ASAP.

Thanks for feedback guys, stay tuned for the next update ^^


Pushed update v237.1 - cannon is back to normal, working again ^^ :D

Thanks! will give it a go later tonight.

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Please remove this auto save feature you've added. It completely ruins all of the templates. Whats the point of allowing us to create and save them if you're just going to have the script overwrite them anytime somethings changed.

For example, I had a slayer template saved. It had a bunch of items to loot and options saved for most slayer assignments. I could just load this template and then add a npc's name and start the script.

Now with this dumb auto save feature anytime I load up the slayer template and change an option it gets saved, so today I wanted to try the banking to see it if was fixed (its not) I went to blue dragons in Taverly with fally tabs, opened up my template and added banking to it with fally tabs out. Didn't work so stopped the script and loaded my the template again, was just going to let it fight/collect loot and bank myself.

Removed the banking option and returned it to the normal setting but now it just tabs out to fally over and over because my invent isn't the same as the one that was auto saved. Tried removing all the settings that auto saved and return it back to my template but its trash now, had to create a whole new one which is pointless because the auto save is just going to fuck it up again anyways.


Is there any way you can roll back this script a year or so to when everything worked and it was a good script because its been unusable for a couple months now. 

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