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4 hours ago, Czar said:

Hmm try turning off the blocked deposit item (brass key) and just making it a normal item it should work. In the meantime I will code a quick patch.

Breaks sorta work but you gotta restart the client if you stop the script :( should be fixed by devs pretty soon since it only affects some users :( 

Activated trials gl guys :) 

Still doing the same thing :( if this part work it would be awesome such a good script 

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Problems with bot:

So I'm trying safespot ankous in the stronghold, but everytime I use the safespot option it will hit other npcs near me even when I had only ankous selected.

Is it impossible to safespot with cannon? I'm trying to safespot ogres near the castle war area, but everytime i have cannon selected it will not attack the ogres but does refill the cannon after awhile.

Bot tries to world hop while in combat and gets stuck at selecting a world.

Edited by John Smith
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Update should go live any moment now, and another quick follow-up update too, for banking (brass key) bug and a few other changes.

EDIT: Brass key + tuna seems to be working if I don't block any bank items (temporary workaround until the script update v192 goes live)

For gdk you must use the plugin otherwise the script will not work whatsoever. I added a warning popup in the setup interface in the latest update. Lemme know if you used the plugin and still no item looting or teleporting, I will re-test to make sure.

As for ankous there is an option to only fight your selected npcs and another option to avoid retaliating to other npcs. There is also an option for fighting alongside cannon (e.g. fighting ogres while cannon is active). There is also an option to safespot with cannon, hmm I guess I gotta make some changes to the setup interface for more user friendly/simplicity, some options can be easily missed :(

As for world hopping I will re-test and add an update asap. :D 

For rock crabs did you make sure to start script with chosen arrows already equipped, if so which ammo? I will convert over the manual arrow chooser from the gdk to the rock crabs plugin in the coming update.

Stay tuned guys I will be editing this post momentarily :) 

Edit: activated all trials gl guys.

Will also be adding dba mode for crabs plugin too, including banking for 10k coins for crabclaw isle mode.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything, for a re-cap of the latest update check out the previous page. V193 will be pushed later today and v192 (current latest update) should go live automatically any moment now :) 

Edited by Czar
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19 minutes ago, Czar said:

Update should go live any moment now, and another quick follow-up update too, for banking (brass key) bug and a few other changes.

For gdk you must use the plugin otherwise the script will not work whatsoever. I added a warning popup in the setup interface in the latest update. Lemme know if you used the plugin and still no item looting or teleporting, I will re-test to make sure.

As for ankous there is an option to only fight your selected npcs and another option to avoid retaliating to other npcs. There is also an option for fighting alongside cannon (e.g. fighting ogres while cannon is active). There is also an option to safespot with cannon, hmm I guess I gotta make some changes to the setup interface for more user friendly/simplicity, some options can be easily missed :(

As for world hopping I will re-test and add an update asap. :D 

For rock crabs did you make sure to start script with chosen arrows already equipped, if so which ammo? I will convert over the manual arrow chooser from the gdk to the rock crabs plugin in the coming update.

Stay tuned guys I will be editing this post momentarily :) 

Edit: activated all trials gl guys.

Will also be adding dba mode for crabs plugin too, including banking for 10k coins for crabclaw isle mode.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything, for a re-cap of the latest update check out the previous page. V193 will be pushed later today and v192 (current latest update) should go live automatically any moment now :) 

I have the ammo already equipped and its runite bolts.

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On 3/3/2017 at 4:51 PM, Czar said:

New Update (v183)

- Stop conditions are now functional again
- Slayer task condition now functioning
- Added an update for worldhopping, normal script + plugins too (brutal dragons)
- Added an update for specifying world-hop tile.

Those are the updates for now. I am currently in the process of coding a tile configuration system so you can visually assign tiles (by clicking the screen with mouse) to certain aspects of the script, e.g. World-hop tile, safespot tile, Breaks tile, DMM escape tile. Any more ideas/suggestions are welcome. As for that bug report template, make sure to fill out the bug report template otherwise I won't know where/how the bug happens, this script is extremely complex :s 


There is still no tiles for safespot | Worldhop

I checked my posts - December 20th 2016 (4-5 months ago) Me and some dudes was saying that it takes ages to come back to safespot. Bot misslick - and basicly finish kills out of safespot. 

After all this time and everything, behavior of bot when trying to safespot is same. takes ages to come back to safespot. Tryes worldhop while in combat.

I think i am done with this script. I really can't see why should i use it..sure, it was cheap, there is no auth system and what not..but it's just not worth waste time if you have more then 1 account and you have clear plan what and where you want to bot. Sure, as a basic fighter it's good. but if you want to play with all the perks and "features" it has you are pretty much doomed in circle of testing / reporting whats not working - rinse and repeat. 



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As for ankous there is an option to only fight your selected npcs and another option to avoid retaliating to other npcs. There is also an option for fighting alongside cannon (e.g. fighting ogres while cannon is active). There is also an option to safespot with cannon, hmm I guess I gotta make some changes to the setup interface for more user friendly/simplicity, some options can be easily missed

Oh. I did select the fight along option, but the bot went to attack outside the safespot for some reason so i thought it was something different perhaps this is a bug then? 

Edited by John Smith
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Hmm turn off breaks if they are active - they seem to not be working. (client side issue)

Did you enter the name of gargoyle npc correctly? Enter it Gargoyle not gargoyles or try enter it from nearby npcs by the add button (not add by name). Otherwise a client restart should solve it hopefully. I can't think of anything which will not let the script attack gargoyles, hmm did you check the console log?

Safespot taking too long.. I don't understand. I just tested it man I'm not sure what the problem is, in fact I can argue that safespot is too quick: Explain the issue I will fix it ASAP, I don't like it if there are bugs but I need to be able to know what they actually are otherwise it will just be an endless cycle of searching for bug -> no bug found -> back to square 1 -> repeat

Green tile = safespot

I manually tried moving to another tile and the script immediately walked back


Worldhop tile is the same as break tile, I ran out of F keys to assign a key for world hop so it shares the same as the breaks tile, I already mentioned it :( As for the other 2 bugs you mentioned I fixed them (the jogre/cyclops one). I am working on a mouse tile chooser so you can manage tiles much easier than using the F keys. I also fixed the goal level system bug a few versions back :D 

I will check out worldhopping while in combat though, I suppose you mean one-sided combat where the script is attacking an npc but it's not attacking the player back?


EDIT: For the gargoyle and cannon post, can you fill out the bug report template on the main thread please? :( It's extremely difficult to reproduce bugs on an AIO script because there are many options which alter the script, many npcs, many fightzones etc.

Edited by Czar
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@Czar i don't get it then. I could not find an option in GUI where i could select - safespot. there is Smart safespotting, etc. but not simple - safespot or smth that would let me know that it's option for safespotting. And i never had F6 as safespot tile / never saw green tile as safespot.. i tryed all f'keys yesturday to test them and only f7 / f10 would do something . but f6 would do nothing. one of fX would hide paint.

It makes sense it does not work if i don't select safespot, but how can i select safespot if i can't select anything in GUI related with this (?)


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