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hey man purchased your script recently, working good just needs a few little improvements IMO... sometimes it struggles with withdrawing super attack/strength potions(4)... sits outside the bank for 10 seconds when re-supplying... and the mouse is always stagnate when attacking an NPC which seems bot like

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@Czar Yooo man,

1 - will bot use Glory to go back to bank in GDK plugin? Or ring of dueling?

2 - I know what and how happens when bot stucks at not going back to safespot + not eating while out of it and attacked.

So, If i click on npc that is in range of me, i will start do attack emotion (with runecbow for example) and it would take about 4 gameticks for hit to be registred. Now in those 4 game tick ankou leaves reachable zone, and walks farfar away. What bot does? same second it does that small animation of attack, it would start to run like crazy closer to ankou -> to do another hit, right. And this is the moment when bot don't understand whats going on. I think, if bot jumps so fast after attacking npc out of safespot then it does not understand it left safespot at all. Sinc hit was registred while in safespot or smth like that.  This happened even when i elected smart safespot + got bounds of fightzone for not attacking npc's too far away. But some NPS's walk around 24/7 like ankou, and by the time rcbow animation is done and hit registred, ankou might be far away from you.


EDIT - oh, and sandcrabs plugin is totaly broken. Tryed every single option and change it, would not do anything. I think once it tryed to bank, and got looped in opening bank + closing + runnign away + opening again.

Edited by guywithlsd
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Can you take a look at "eat for loot?" Right now, I don't think it's working correctly.


My character only loots after it has eaten an item once my hp falls into the designated range, where an inventory spot is now open. However, it will not eat otherwise and this is causing me to lose out on a lot of valuable loot.



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Not sure when it was added but the script now right clicks on the next target its going to choose and leaves it like that until done with the current target, could you add an option to remove that please.


Edit: nevermind, for some reason its not doing it anymore. Only happened for 1 task and is now back to normal.

Edited by miniman
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Hmm for sand crabs, did you make sure to set food (even if you don't need food, just so the script doesn't get scared), did you enable auto-retaliate? If banking, did you avoid adding misc/junk items such as arrows to the banking sequence? (It should only be food, and potions if necessary) otherwise the script will try to withdraw the exact item and exact amount, and if bank doesn't have correct item/amount it will loop. I'm running the script now with 20 lobsters and west mode selected, no other options enabled and it's working fine. I will continue testing just in case. A few sand crabs were killed seems to be going well thus far:


GDK Supports ring of dueling, games necklace, falador teleport (spell + tab), varrock teleport (spell + tab), I was going to add glory in the last version but I thought nobody would use it, but I will code it right now for the upcoming version :D Ring of dueling is coded for clan wars teleport though, I need to add more variety and perhaps make the script bank in castle wars too.

For ankous: so the script attacks an ankou, the ankou runs away, and the script still tries to attack that same ankou? Is the ankou still trying to attack the player while all this is happening? If so I have a few ideas to code a system which will improve this greatly. To re-iterate, so the ankou goes back to try to bring the player out of the safespot? Anyhow I will do a test run there and identify the bug ASAP.



Wyverns are technically able to be attacked using this script, but I haven't tested due to high requirements (72 slayer) I will be buying an account in the very near future to test it - if testing goes well and the script actually supports wyverns then I will see if there are any improvements to add. If the script does not support wyverns I will build a plugin for wyverns immediately.


As for brutal black dragons plugin and withdrawing items/potions, the update recently went live just make sure the bank has the exact item, and the exact item amount (or higher amount, e.g. bank has at least 20 sharks if you're withdrawing sharks) otherwise the script will be confused and will try to find items which do not exist.

I will be coding a new banking system in the next version because it is somewhat confusing and I will also add a 'guide/help' bar on the setup window so users can setup the script with simplicity.

EDIT: Just tested with the exact inventory layout: 1 ranging potion (4), 4 prayer potion (4), 1 antifire potion (4), 5 monkfish, works flawlessly, started the script with coins and skills necklace in inventory (and nothing else) and the script deposited-all, then withdrew the bank layout successfully:




Activated all trials good luck guys, will be activating double (48hr) trials if you want to trial the script for the following: GDK, brutal dragons, stronghold plugin


Major update coming up, will either edit this post or make a new post within a few hours.


Edited by Czar
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