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Fixed - sands are working again - sorry guys I wanted to add full lumbridge -> zeah walking support so that crabs can be botted across many accounts. Will get this emergency update out of the way then post another full update within a few hours regarding more features and tweaks ^^ :D Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

New update is now v252.8, update will automatically go live within a few hours. The paint will say v252.8 when the update is fully live, we first gotta wait until this update is processed by staff for verification.


Also if the bot keeps spamming the teleport to the logger, ignore it unless you are using teleports, in that case let me know so I can see if your chosen teleport is supported. I am just about to add a few extra options such as kourend teleports and a few skillcape teleports too ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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49 minutes ago, Czar said:

Fixed - sands are working again - sorry guys I wanted to add full lumbridge -> zeah walking support so that crabs can be botted across many accounts. Will get this emergency update out of the way then post another full update within a few hours regarding more features and tweaks ^^ :D Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

New update is now v252.8, update will automatically go live within a few hours. The paint will say v252.8 when the update is fully live, we first gotta wait until this update is processed by staff for verification.


Also if the bot keeps spamming the teleport to the logger, ignore it unless you are using teleports, in that case let me know so I can see if your chosen teleport is supported. I am just about to add a few extra options such as kourend teleports and a few skillcape teleports too ^^ :D

Can i get a trial please CZar

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Of course, also there is a pending update for sand crabs, it will take a few hours for it to go live but when it does, it will be awesome ^^ :D 

EDIT: Sand crabs are now live, next version is being worked on for more features/tweaks now ^^ :D This will include the new performance tab, speed improvements, task manager improvements, more teleports and capabilities, stop condition and alerts saving, and many more.

Good luck guys, and happy botting :D I am also noticing people getting banned in general across all bots on osbot, perhaps due to the holidays?


EDIT 2: Also fixed an error that sometimes happens randomly, (nullpointer), new update is now v257.9, will go live within a few hours, sorry for any inconvenience. Make sure to set camera to far away (maximum zoom) for the best results.

Edited by Czar
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22 hours ago, Czar said:

Of course, also there is a pending update for sand crabs, it will take a few hours for it to go live but when it does, it will be awesome ^^ :D 

EDIT: Sand crabs are now live, next version is being worked on for more features/tweaks now ^^ :D This will include the new performance tab, speed improvements, task manager improvements, more teleports and capabilities, stop condition and alerts saving, and many more.

Good luck guys, and happy botting :D I am also noticing people getting banned in general across all bots on osbot, perhaps due to the holidays?


EDIT 2: Also fixed an error that sometimes happens randomly, (nullpointer), new update is now v257.9, will go live within a few hours, sorry for any inconvenience. Make sure to set camera to far away (maximum zoom) for the best results.

Trying sandcrabs  now and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for your constant updates :)
Edit: Yeah sandcrabs on the isle aren't working, doesnt reset.

Edited by Jacksonpm23
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Hey guys! I'm a huge supporter of czar and his scripts. Been using this script for awhile and never had a super high level account using it. Right now I'm using it to kill some black demons and I'm using prayer pots.. I was wondering if there is a way to have the script stop on condition of no more prayer potions? I saw the stop condition of no more equipment? 

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Am I supposed to make preset for every monster/location and weapon setup?

Can you do something about autosaving over saved profiles/presets? If I use fighting zone it will remember the zone when I reload the profile and start running to the old area.

Also the script tries to equip a spec weapon even if I remove it from the settings (when loading presets)


I'd like to just have fast preset looting and spec weapon but it always gets ruined by the autosave :(


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Im just curious, can i make the bot kill my superiors when i do slayer? Also they need to be targeted if they spawn, so that they do not despawn. Now i do them manually.

Also i would like to randomise the prayer pots. Now it always takes a sip when i have 10 prayer points.

Hope you can make this possible!

- Mark

Edited by markderoode
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Hey Czar, The bot wont run for me for long periods of time in sand crabs, I will look at my screen and it would say disconect from server here is the log :



[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 03:56:48 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "0"
[WARN][Bot #1][01/03 03:57:18 PM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Dumping save...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: "playstyle_loot_ammo" "0" "playstyle_activity" "1" "aio_fighter_attack_delay" "1" "ss_eat_bounds_2" "65" "ss_eat_bounds_1" "45" "playstyle_mm_walk" "0" "area_option" "0" "playstyle_aggression" "0" "ss_allow_longwalk" "0" "allow_varrock_upstairs" "1" "ss_force_fightzone" "1" "ab_mouse_outside" "0" "playstyle_afk" "0" "ss_crash_tile_hop" "0" "crab_type" "1" "enable_special_attacks" "0" "level_task_mode" "0" "worldhop_tile" "1" "ss_modern_eat" "1" "ss_no_food" "0" "afk_position_z" "0" "guideline_tile_z" "0" "afk_position_y" "3479" "worldhop_mode" "0" "playstyle_avoid_retaliate" "0" "rock_fight_tile_x" "1684" "rock_fight_tile_y" "3479" "rock_fight_tile_z" "0" "afk_position_x" "1684" "playstyle_loot_sw" "0" "drop_junk" "0" "afk_complete" "0" "bank_condition" "NO_FOOD" "ss_stopcon_safe" "0" "guideline_tile_y" "3478" "force_path" "1" "guideline_tile_x" "1685" 
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]:  ... success!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Killed 0 npcs, gained: 7,340 exp, ran for: 00:01:02:39.
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Make sure to post a progress report on the main thread!


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