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New Update (v246)

- (Cannon): Added alching for cannon mode
- (Cannon): No longer freezes when re-filling cannon
- (Cannon): Telegrabbing supported for cannon (exclusively if the option is selected)
- (Magic): Added 'only loot my targets' support for magic combat (this will also fix the ogress warriors bug)
- (Magic): No longer casts spells from the magic spellbook when autocasting
- Fixed equipment tab freezing up, no longer unselectable
- Added bugfix for bones and big bones burying
- Added bugfix for nmz dying when outside a game
- Override prayer sip fixed, range was working for me - I will do more test runs.
- Teleport to house tabs fixed, should no longer rely on osbot's webwalker too

As for alching and the dialogue messages, make sure to do this: (note: applies for both high value, AND non-tradeable items)


As for stronghold looting every single arrow: make sure to remove the arrow from the looting window, you should only enable 'loot my arrows' when ranging and don't add it to the loot list. Unless you want to, otherwise I will make a workaround update to allow flexibility. :D

As for stopping script, I will be coding a major re-write for that system and arrows to allow flexibility, although it will happen in the next version. In the meantime turn off 'fight alongside cannon' and it should be fine, or if you really want, disable the npc attack option so you can't attack the npc at all, turn auto retaliate off too, and it should have the same effect as a bow with no arrows. :D 

As for profit counter and hopping etc. I will be finding a cause for this bug and fix it asap :D

Another update will be added after this one, stay tuned for the next one guys :D

As usual, thanks for all your support and feedback, really appreciate it :D:D

Edited by Czar
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For gargoyles the only way to loot them is to have  it not have  loot only your kill since I think the gargyole smasher  is making it not count as your kill when they are about to die from like 5 hp. For wyrms it wont loot anything till you have it not loot only your own kill. I love this script some much and it gotten me to 100 combat and high slayer keep up the good work czar

Edited by Neurodes
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Hey Czar the script is working great, thanks! Do you know if the prayer flick is more "dangerous" (more noticeable for bansystem or something) to  use than to just leave prayer on? I'd love to hear from you.

And if the script is on and working, changing the settings with f12 doesn't update it right? I'll have to stop the script and start the script with different settings?

Edited by quefaz
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I will have to double-check if F12 functionality needs updating (unless you are using using task scheduler?), in any case I will give it a look :D

Prayer flicking - I would only say it's dangerous if the npc is dangerous, for bans it's fine because it uses randomized timers under the nearest (rounded) tick rate, but not for long periods of time as it can be non-humanlike to prayer flick for hours. I would go with normal prayer and not pray flicking personally :D 

TzHaar are generally supported but no special functionality for them, so no luring behind the rock and safespotting them just yet, I will see what I can do in the future ^^ :D

Looting - will add an option to make it slower, sure :D Will see what I can do :D If you are worried about bans, you shouldn't worry too much about this, the bigger worry is the npc fighting location, I've seen some bans over at the basic levels (chickens, monks, goblins) but maybe only 1-2 reported bans doing slayer? (for months) which is pretty epic actually :D And they reportedly botted for more than 20 hours at a time so it makes sense.

Edited by Czar
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Ah unlucky man, which area did you bot? Was it high ban rate area? Also did you babysit/play legit/reply to ingame chat? What were your breaks like? I personally wouldn't bot 4 hours at a time, and would most likely use breaks starting from at least 1 hour to maybe 1.5 hours each time. I use the script for training slayer personally though.

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