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Perfect Fighter AIO


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@Czar I think one of the issues with the caged ogre  interaction is that after you set the fight bounds (which obviously have to be inside the cage) the character will try to walk INSIDE the cage randomly despite your safe spot being outside the cage (maybe because of the anti-pattern setting?).  There is also an issue with selecting ogres (preference for the one on the left). 

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On 7/14/2018 at 9:34 AM, Czar said:

For pray flicking, it should work - are there any errors in the console log? Post your setup window and I will use the same settings and debug :D 

Script seems to be walking to fight area even after osrs update. Post your setup and I will help :) 

Fight alongside cannon will be getting another update ASAP.

GDK will also get another update ASAP.

More coming soon :D Today I will be pushing an update please let me know how it goes. I will be awaiting your setups and depending on how soon I receive it I may pack the bugfixes or tweaks in the same update or post another update immediately thereafter :D 

Hi Czar, whats the ETA on fixing the overall cannon function and caged ogres in general?

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I am so sorry for the delay on cannoning and ogres. I have lost one of my accounts due to another script testing too much from the last ban wave.

For ogres, make sure to enable the unreachable npc option, safespot option, ranging option, don't use fight zones they are not suitable for caged npcs. Also, try experimenting with the 'Fight npcs before reaching fight zone' option.

Thanks guys for the feedback I really appreciate it I apologise for this update's delay, my coding environment had a slight setback due to losing an account now I will be using another account and buying all the necessary equipment to test everything and quickly patch the updates as soon as possible.

Edited by Czar
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1 hour ago, Czar said:

I am so sorry for the delay on cannoning and ogres. I have lost one of my accounts due to another script testing too much from the last ban wave.

For ogres, make sure to enable the unreachable npc option, safespot option, ranging option, don't use fight zones they are not suitable for caged npcs. Also, try experimenting with the 'Fight npcs before reaching fight zone' option.

Thanks guys for the feedback I really appreciate it I apologise for this update's delay, my coding environment had a slight setback due to losing an account now I will be using another account and buying all the necessary equipment to test everything and quickly patch the updates as soon as possible.

Thanks Czar. You have the best scripts on OSBOT.

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Cannoning going super well so far. Update v224 is coming along nicely :) Will update you guys after further testing. This is my first run and so far so good, I will be making further tweaks then posting the version to SDN asap.


Also guys, can anybody with mac/linux confirm if loading/saving works in the current fighter version? If not, can you pm me any relevant console logs? It will help greatly :)

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8 minutes ago, Czar said:

Cannoning going super well so far.

Where u @. I'll find u ??? Anyway, I'm back botting after 2 years. I see your perf fighter turns into perf rock crabs w/ plugin. I didn't see a banking method on that interface. I'm guessing it's built in to assume you want to tp to cammy and run back? I farm & sell accounts from zerks to mains on the regular, if you need a particular account for testing or need someone to test betas, holla at ya boi. As far as testing mac/linux can't help there fam

Edited by Gnomedesto
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39 minutes ago, Gnomedesto said:

Where u @. I'll find u ??? Anyway, I'm back botting after 2 years. I see your perf fighter turns into perf rock crabs w/ plugin. I didn't see a banking method on that interface. I'm guessing it's built in to assume you want to tp to cammy and run back? I farm & sell accounts from zerks to mains on the regular, if you need a particular account for testing or need someone to test betas, holla at ya boi. As far as testing mac/linux can't help there fam

Ah long time! Yep fighter has built-in rock crabs with optional banking (default is on, you can turn it off by using no food mode). As for accounts, I am looking to buy some high level accounts for testing. Especially ones with slayer and/or accounts that has the requirements to kill as many npcs as possible so I can test every npc with no problems ^^ :D

47 minutes ago, Czar said:

Cannoning going super well so far. Update v224 is coming along nicely :) Will update you guys after further testing. This is my first run and so far so good, I will be making further tweaks then posting the version to SDN asap.


Also guys, can anybody with mac/linux confirm if loading/saving works in the current fighter version? If not, can you pm me any relevant console logs? It will help greatly :)


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New Update (v224)

- Major safespotting changes
-- Script no longer walks to npcs if safespotting, NEVER.
-- Script now has a highly accurate and reliable movement detection system
-- Safespot returns are now faster, stable, and safer.
-- If script is doing an event (eat, equip, spec, etc.) script will return to safespot directly after the event
-- Caged npcs fully supported for safespotting now.

- Major cannon changes
-- Script no longer misses firing the cannon, if it ever does (due to script pause or lag) it will continue firing.
-- Script knows how to get to the cannon and wait until it's loaded before fighting again
-- Cannon combat code now matches the AIO fight code (now updated with the non-cannon mode of the script)
-- Highly accurate detection of cannon, script knows exactly when it's loaded, exactly when it's not firing,
more stability has been implemented to cannon mode.
-- Added appropriate script delays to cannoning.
-- Fight alongside cannon patched, now works much much better.
-- Caged npcs fully supported for safespotting AND cannoning now.

- Combat changes
-- Script can now determine between multi-way combat and non-multi-way combat.
-- When using cannon mode, script will automatically attack npcs that are in multi (target npc).
-- Script no longer pauses and waits during combat (safespotting and/or ranging).

- Misc. changes
-- Kourend dungeon now mapped out fully
-- Zeah mapped out fully
-- Banks are now mapped out in Zeah.
-- Zogres/Skogres paths added

- Multiway still not added to normal (non-cannon) combat. Will do in the upcoming update, needed to fully test
this before I post it. Too risky just now. Next version is the ETA.
- Need confirmation on mac/linux saving/loading profiles. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
- Check your safespot tile distance in the Misc.

More updates coming up, I am listening to every single user post and feedback - trust me. If your suggestion/feature/bugfix/tweak is not in this update, it will definitely be in the next one. I always note down user posts on my fighter to-do list.

Going to need some testers for the new safespotting and cannon update. I want to make sure it's 100% flawless. If everything goes well, I will spend a lot of extra time on other features and plugins especially.

Thanks guys, update will automatically go live within 24 hours of SDN push :D

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