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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Oops, the green dragon plugin wasn't meant to be available yet, apologies everyone sad.png. It is the outdated version and is still under development - I will be converting the updated version ASAP, ETA: 1 or 2 version updates max (definitely by v160, right now we are on v158).
As for profiles, the entire system will be getting a complete overhaul since there were many new options added since the system's design sad.png Next version will have flawless profile saving, cannon mode will include normal combat, magic will trigger safespotting mode too :D

Update coming up biggrin.png Also guys, the latest version is now v158 there was a mini update for stronghold doors and dialogues.


Have also been working on a new smart safespotting system which knows exactly which npcs to fight
When safespotting, sometimes it is difficult to know if your target will cause your player to move out of the safespot, so I'm working on a system which detects if an npc is technically safespottable without making the player move, quick example
Green: Npcs that are safe to attack from your current tile
Red: Npcs that will make you move out of your safespot tile if you attack them.
notice how the red and green tiles change as soon as you move into the npc's line of sight
Also note that the game registers tile changes faster than they appear so the tiles change really quickly.

(excuse the low quality sad.png):

Edited by Czar
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[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]:
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "enable_bone_bury" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_hop_at_death" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_stop_at_death" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_fightzone_stay" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "prayer_normal_mode" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_cannon_mode" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "loot_item_value" "5000"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "telegrab_loot" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_readyclick_npc" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "npc_name_0" "Kalphite Worker"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "force_web" "1"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "pref_bank" "nearest"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "prayer_flick_mode" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "eat_for_space" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ranging_mode" "1"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "only_loot_target" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "allow_varrock_upstairs" "1"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ab_override_random" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "unreachable" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "npc_list_size" "1"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ab_mouse_outside" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_move_mouse_outside" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_wait_loot" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "walk_fight_1" "walk"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "level_task_mode" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "enable_special_attacks" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "fight_position_y" "5856"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "bank_mode" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "loot_arrows_combat" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "fight_position_z" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "ss_fightzone_loot" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "prioritize_loot" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "fight_position_x" "3765"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "walk_bank_0" "walk"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "loot_list_size" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "bank_condition" "No_food"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "npc_cb_0" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "bank_list_size" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "loot_in_combat" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: "enable_loot_arrows" "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]:
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]:  ... success!
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: Dumping SmartInventory
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: [ACTION]=deposit_except | [iTEM]= empty  | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=withdraw_special_items_id | [iTEM]=nay | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[iNFO][bot #1][11/30 07:22:20 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited!




Why does it just log out as soon as I try to start, what am I doing wrong?:P

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Could you add an option for sand crabs to just stand in one place? It seems very un-natural that I'm moving around to aggro crabs on the lowest aggression settings and highest afk settings to mimic how I normally play. Furthermore, when it does step away from my sand crab afk spot to aggro another crab it very rarely actually works. 

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As for logging out when fighting kalphite - there should be a logout message on the console script above all the commands, in any case the main logout conditions are:


- Not being able to find any fightable npcs

- Dying, and not enabling deathwalk

- Finishing all your goal level tasks in task manager

- Ranging and having no ammo/arrows

- Using b2p mode and no b2p tabs left

- Successfully evading combat from a pker in a DMM world

- Running out of food in the bank

- Enabled the logout_no_food option and ran out of food

- Any stop conditions are met


I suspect it's the first reason but I included those just in case anybody else's script ends up logging out conditionally :D




As for food, what fighter setup/options/settings? I will test and add an update ASAP for food, but it seems to be eating fine if I just fight hill giants and eat lobsters with a normal setup of; npc: hill giant, banking: 20 lobsters, bank: grand exchange


I will add the option for setting your own eat %, I always wanted the script to generate the value as part of an anti-ban system but I guess I can make the script generate it randomly within a +- value of the given percent. ^^ :D




As for sand crabs I will test afk mode ASAP, which settings though - there are 2 main afk options with different results. Will test with both options




Two main versions will be added today everyone, update coming up right now :)

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Hey bro not sure why it keeps doing this with sandcrab plugin;


It keeps going to the big bank and walking back again, and ive seen it use the same pattern to try to reaggro a crab or something


Im using west side and activity level on high



NFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:14 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"

[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:14 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:16 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:16 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:16 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:17 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:17 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:17 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:18 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:19 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:19 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:19 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:20 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:20 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:21 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:21 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:21 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:22 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:22 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:23 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:23 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:24 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:25 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:25 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:25 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:26 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:26 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:27 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:27 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:28 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:28 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:28 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:29 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:29 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:30 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:30 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 11:40:31 AM]: "worldhop_sequence" changed to "0"

^also keeps spamming that

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Just encountered it standing still and this is what console shows 



[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:21 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "48"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:21 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "72"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:22 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "47"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:22 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "46"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:22 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "73"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:23 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "45"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:23 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "44"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:23 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "74"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:24 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "43"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:24 PM]: Exception in script thread: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
at java.util.LinkedList.checkElementIndex(Unknown Source)
at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:2976)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:1039)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:676)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.E(in:620)
at a.a.a.CON.H(ck:193)
at a.a.CoN.H(mf:355)
at a.con.G(eo:428)
at a.con.onLoop(eo:642)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(mh:48)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:24 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "42"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:24 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "75"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:25 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "41"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:25 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "40"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:25 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "76"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:26 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "39"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:26 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "77"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:27 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "38"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:27 PM]: Exception in script thread: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
at java.util.LinkedList.checkElementIndex(Unknown Source)
at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:2976)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:1039)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.H(in:676)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.cOn.E(in:620)
at a.a.a.CON.H(ck:193)
at a.a.CoN.H(mf:355)
at a.con.G(eo:428)
at a.con.onLoop(eo:642)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(mh:48)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:27 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "37"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:27 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "78"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:28 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "36"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:28 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "35"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:28 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "79"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:29 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "34"
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 12:26:29 PM]: "ss_alert_timer" changed to "33"


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For all users regarding the sand crabs feature, can you try the script again? The latest update is now live (v158.5) which was an update for sand crabs since they moved the tiles biggrin.png


will let you know if it gets stuck or something is wrong


right now im doing it at


West area with Walking path method #2.


thanks for the update!

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