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Juggles AIO Fighter


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32 minutes ago, kosmika said:

I've been running this script for the past three days now for periods longer than 5 hours. It's a great script and I have not been banned yet. Running it at Al-Kharid warriors with my 1 defense pure. I got from 44-50 attack, 38-65 strength, and 1-58 range atm. Thanks brobro!

Appreciate it man 

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11 hours ago, guzas said:

Hey, great script. 

Using it already for half year, I'am using it for slayer but now something wrong I cant hide progy screen to check how many monster left to kill, can you check it out?

I press on x but progry bar won't hide.



Yeah I had to remove code that did that when u clicked the x it would hide the paint because it got removed from the api I will look into adding it back in

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6 minutes ago, Paladin Veyz said:

Just to let you know, as of the 8/3/18 the bot has stopped working following the new client update!

Other than that its a fucking awesome script, top stuff man

should explain more than that?

what has stopped working?



more information will help him solve if script issues. unless client issues ofc.

Edited by Joha
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15 minutes ago, Joha said:

should explain more than that?

what has stopped working?



more information will help him solve if script issues. unless client issues ofc.

The script gets stuck at the Walking To Start Area status now and doesn't attack at all. It will still eat though when you manually attack mobs


Edited by Joebubo98
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Extremely annoying problem. On my 2 laptops the script is working fine again, but on my main computer it is still stuck on "Walking to starting area". Tried with removing Webwalking and reinstalling it (dont ask), and also by adding and removing the script. Still no progress :(

Should I just wait it out?

Edit: Great, the laptops are now also stuck on Walking to starting area after a restart...

Edited by Maxlaxen
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