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Explv's AIO [13 skill AIO in 1 script]


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On 12/07/2017 at 11:34 AM, Fearsy said:

I also can't seem to be able to load up configs that I have previously created. The file seems to have saved properly but when trying to 'load' it, it turns out to be empty

Could you please send a screenshot of your GUI setup to my inbox?

It is hard for me to tell what is broken because you could be using any combination of tasks / activities etc.


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2 minutes ago, kekarino said:

Does this support random tasking? Meaning I can start the script without telling it anything and it'll just choose for me randomly what to do


ex: Chop logs for an hour, then train combat for however long, then do X for Y, etc etc. All chosen randomly.


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12 hours ago, rankor said:

Tutorial island portion seems to be getting instantly flagged. New HWID, MAC, IP, and cleared cache but still banned after using on all accounts within 5 hours. Only script used. 

Same with most tutorial island scripts to be honest.

Some people experience getting "instantly flagged" others do not.

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On 12/07/2017 at 11:34 AM, Fearsy said:

I also can't seem to be able to load up configs that I have previously created. The file seems to have saved properly but when trying to 'load' it, it turns out to be empty


On 17/06/2017 at 5:54 AM, Framble said:

Update ON load/save function? 


On 30/06/2017 at 11:28 AM, sevant said:

Has anyone been able to get the save/load function to work?


On 08/07/2017 at 1:46 AM, FuryShark said:

Only recently realised how much this script offers, one bug idk if its just me though as it used to work--- loading a saved preset thingy xD

- also if i start with noted items it doesnt unnote 

- disable input does nothing for this script as well


I have pushed a fix for Saving / Loading, this time it should really fix it :doge:

Will update again once it is live on the SDN.


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  • Explv changed the title to Explv's AIO [13 skill AIO in 1 script]

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