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Perfect Agility AIO


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On 28.8.2017 at 3:57 AM, Swedens said:

I did run some Al-Kharid today and it didn't actually stop completely. But it did wait waaay too long very frequently before pressing next obstacle. Cmon Czar, I have a lot of your scripts and I would really like to see more updates pushed.

Did you check mark the anti-pattern mode? I'm not entirely sure but I think if you have it checked it will try to gimmick human movement much more, like having random pauses sometimes etc. Not sure though

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  • Deceiver changed the title to Perfect Agility

Mouse zoom set to far away and roofs toggled off? I will have to edit the click bounds of the rough wall objects again I guess.


@Swedens did you enable readyclick mode? It's not compatible with some courses, please confirm. I will run some tests for al-kharid ASAP. Which objects/obstacles specifically take longer to overcome?

Edited by Czar
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1 minute ago, Czar said:

Mouse zoom set to far away and roofs toggled off? I will have to edit the click bounds of the rough wall objects again I guess.


@Swedens did you enable readyclick mode? It's not compatible with some courses, please confirm. I will run some tests for al-kharid ASAP. Which objects/obstacles specifically take longer to overcome?

It's mainly the rough wall the script struggles with, and yes mouse zoomed out as well as roofs turned off.

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Mouse zoom set to far away and roofs toggled off? I will have to edit the click bounds of the rough wall objects again I guess.


@Swedens did you enable readyclick mode? It's not compatible with some courses, please confirm. I will run some tests for al-kharid ASAP. Which objects/obstacles specifically take longer to overcome?

I am not sure. Not running any agility atm. I run both ready and without it. Will report when I know.

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Hey, I've noticed none of the bots on OSBot have a function in their agility scripts to alch while running courses. This is a pretty popular method for human accounts and no other bots utilize this. Perhaps adding this feature would add another competitive edge to your script for more purchases ! 

I would also personally love this feature, it would really help with magic XP ! Perhaps even adding 'x alchs' before running course normally? Just some ideas, hopefully you can implement this as it would be a great feature !:)

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4 minutes ago, NadeZiLLa said:

Hey, I've noticed none of the bots on OSBot have a function in their agility scripts to alch while running courses. This is a pretty popular method for human accounts and no other bots utilize this. Perhaps adding this feature would add another competitive edge to your script for more purchases ! 

I would also personally love this feature, it would really help with magic XP ! Perhaps even adding 'x alchs' before running course normally? Just some ideas, hopefully you can implement this as it would be a great feature !:)

For this feature to be added, I'd really only like to see this if the script is near faultless which at the moment it isn't quite there. I'm sure somewhere Czar mentioned Alching wouldn't be added.

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