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Perfect Agility AIO


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readyclick mode does not work on the following courses i have tried:


draynor rooftop

varrock rooftop

falador rooftop

canafis rooftop



on  all of these courses the analyzing map seems to be glitched. for example on canifis it will analyze and then get stuck on 8/7


the only course that works with readyclick mode i found is the wilderness course.

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Ready click is enabled only for non-rooftop courses, because with rooftops they are mostly in different height levels, so I turned them off because the xp difference was minimal


So all non-rooftops should have readyclick mode, including gnome stronghold, wilderness course, barbarian course ^^ biggrin.png


As for 8/7 don't worry about that it's just for paint purposes, I will make it 7/7 so it makes more sense biggrin.png (the first agility step is included in the paint so it adds up to higher than 7, I will make it not include it)

Edited by Czar
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if you could add some kind of anti pk feature to the wilderness course bot and maybe make it teleport/walk back and continue training upon death that would be great


Good idea, should I make it hop worlds if there is a pker nearby? Or just attempt to run away in the agility course


As for deathwalk, I will add a system for deathwalk, but if it dies too many times I will either make it hop or stop script if too many deaths

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Good idea, should I make it hop worlds if there is a pker nearby? Or just attempt to run away in the agility course


As for deathwalk, I will add a system for deathwalk, but if it dies too many times I will either make it hop or stop script if too many deaths

i would say try to hop worlds, also i just noticed if the bot falls in the spike pit it will sit there and auto retaliate against skeletons until it dies, it also will never eat cake or drink stamina pots while doing the course

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I will add stamina pots to the update, should be an improvement to the exp I guess ^^ biggrin.png


As for the falls, wilderness course will be adjusted in this update also, it will find its way easier now


Latest version for the bot will be: v1.03




This is going to be a nice big update, I just posted it, now waiting for the update to be registered, should take a few hours max ^^ :)

Edited by Czar
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