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United States Elections


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Oh there is NO doubt about that! I think that Trump would do an outstanding job to rebuild the economy, however his political social skills have been seen... and they are weak. He would fold under an intense situation, and reacts out of anger rather than good judgement. However the only reason I would rank him above Bernie is because I personally do not believe in Socialism. 


I honestly just wish there was a better selection of candidates if you ask me! biggrin.png


Trump is far from being a god of Business, his moneymaking methods are mostly reckless and archaic, keeping the money he inherited from his pop in a savings account would have been more rewarding at this point.


Also social democracy is not socialism.




This guy is just nuts, sorry.

Unfortunately my candidate Rand Paul dropped out of the race, I'll have to look through the candidates to see who I want now. Might just vote for the libertarian candidate.


Rand Paul was my republican favorite as well...

The remaining republicans are a joke, a creepy joke.

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I'm not going to argue anymore because I know this will end nowhere, but I'm not being racist. Racism is a word that is thrown around any day just because you can't look the facts in the face. Most muslims are good people. Muslims that support ISIS aren't. I am not being racist for wanting the bad ones to be sorted out. 


By condemning the rest of them...  ok...

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Trump is far from being a god of Business, his moneymaking methods are mostly reckless and archaic, keeping the money he inherited from his pop in a savings account would have been more rewarding at this point.


Also social democracy is not socialism.




This guy is just nuts, sorry.


Rand Paul was my republican favorite as well...

The remaining republicans are a joke, a creepy joke.

That is before people started to love him. He told this as a joke for media. He has several times stated that he loves to let media write about something, as much as he hates them.


If you believe that he meant this, then you are the one who is truly the idiot.

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The more you post about agreeing with and defending Trump, is making you sound more and more racist yourself.


Closing the borders to muslim immigrants, because you cant be sure which are ISIS and which aren't....


Are you aware of the amount of muslims in the world? Over 1.6billion. By condemning that amount of people from the actions of a small terrorist group is obscene, and is exactly what racism is. So to say trump is not racist is just incorrect "not sure which muslims are terrorists and which aren't" - pathetic


If you actually listen to what Trump says and not what the media says, trump wants to close the borders to Muslims UNTIL the national security people can come up with a way to make sure the muslims are properly vetted so that no members of ISIS or radical Islamists are able to get in. And take a look back years ago during WWII, the democrat in the white house at that time put Japanese in internment camps. Just a suggestion, don't believe everything you hear in the news, the news is very biased and as a whole is left leaning. Listen to speeches yourself from people and decide for yourself.


This isn't me saying I support Trump either, I'm just saying you should look into things instead of just spouting what the media says, because most of the time they will skew things to make you believe what they want you to believe



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If you read what I said, I said as a whole, the biggest news station are left. Yes fox is right leaning and there are many other right leaning sites, but as a whole the majority of top news sites, be it the New York Times, CNN, PBS, MSNBC are left leaning.


It really wouldn't make much sense for popular mass media to be openly right leaning, since the republican party does not represent the masses at all.

That is before people started to love him. He told this as a joke for media. He has several times stated that he loves to let media write about something, as much as he hates them.


If you believe that he meant this, then you are the one who is truly the idiot.


Yes I'm sure his campaign manager made him retract the statement.


How about his 30 other similar tweets on the subject?

Trump has for years used words like "hoax," "canard," "mythical," "con job," "nonexistent," and "bulls---" to reject mainstream climate science



Most of his statements are pure idiocy.


Making this guy your leader will end the american hegemony.

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It really wouldn't make much sense for popular mass media to be openly right leaning, since the republican party does not represent the masses at all.


Yes I'm sure his campaign manager made him retract the statement.


How about his 30 other similar tweets on the subject?

Trump has for years used words like "hoax," "canard," "mythical," "con job," "nonexistent," and "bulls---" to reject mainstream climate science



Most of his statements are pure idiocy.


Making this guy your leader will end the american hegemony.

"Oh my god. Hurr durr. A canditate is trying to joke around and be less serous than the current/previous ones."


Please stop being so butthurt, and just leave the beta era. It's exactly people like you, who overreact to simple things and make big useless plays just for the sake of hating.


Words trigger you really? Just shush. I absolutely dishust butthurt and sensitive individuals.

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"Oh my god. Hurr durr. A canditate is trying to joke around and be less serous than the current/previous ones."


Please stop being so butthurt, and just leave the beta era. It's exactly people like you, who overreact to simple things and make big useless plays just for the sake of hating.


Words trigger you really? Just shush. I absolutely dishust butthurt and sensitive individuals.


I'm not offended by his words.

I'm not triggered by his vocabulary.


Don't turn me into a "political correctness" freak, I'm far from being that, matter of fact I find his frankness to be the only thing that's even remotely attractive.


What I do have a problem with are his idiot ideas and convictions. And that's why I don't like him, my "hate" is motivated by rationality, thought and comparison so no.. I'm not just "hating for the sake of hating".


You're right, Trump represents the socio-economical "Alpha" class, a class most of us will never be part off.

If you're not a millionaire or a creationist, you probably should not vote republican. Most republican voters are convinced they will one day be part of the socio-economical "Alpha" class and think their vote is a political investment they will later benefit from, turns out 99% of them won't, make that 99.99%.

Edited by Botre
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I will say I'm not fully behind any of the democratic candidates they seem... mehhh. Trump isn't a politician I mean that can say bounds he is purely saying what he thinks, it can be blunt many things may offend people but in a world where people are hurt to easily I think it would be refreshing. As far as money trump really cant be bought unlike some past candidates. He seems best suited for the financial side for sure and that's a major crippling factor. I would say out of everyone right now he has my vote.

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In the beginning, Rand Paul was my guy. But after he left, i saw Trump as THE guy. Lately he has impressed me, all the other politicians are bought and sold, not to mention he mentioned auditing the fed and asking for the secret documents about 9/11. Bernie Sanders is a mad man, maybe a nice man but he's crazy. Let's not even mention Hillary. Right now i see Trump winning the entire thing. If Trump goes against the establishment/elite's plans, we will see. But overall i say Trump over everyone else. 

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