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Everything posted by BloodRush20

  1. I was about to suggest this. I'm glad it worked out tho.
  2. Got it I mean the interact boolean as stated would work however there is always a way to notice a change. equip something the character would change equipment wise and so on. I cant say I fully understand your end goal so it's harder to help out.
  3. Could you just use the isItemSelected() from the inventory API class? click.item; sleep(600); if (item.isItemSelected()) { do stuff } Or am I missing what your asking?
  4. I will say I'm not fully behind any of the democratic candidates they seem... mehhh. Trump isn't a politician I mean that can say bounds he is purely saying what he thinks, it can be blunt many things may offend people but in a world where people are hurt to easily I think it would be refreshing. As far as money trump really cant be bought unlike some past candidates. He seems best suited for the financial side for sure and that's a major crippling factor. I would say out of everyone right now he has my vote.
  5. Sounds crazy, meet a few people that share a balance of your ideas, military members about our age wise are a great balance most love games and anime but also enjoy working on cars, going on hikes, getting out and having a good time. They tend to try to get out after being stuck inside for a few days and socialize. I mean honestly I understand its hard meeting new people especially if you have social anxiety. I would love to discuss this further if you want just pm me. Maybe even hit up a voice chat once you feel comfortable
  6. No problem I hope it saves everyone alot of time! I know GUI was a pain for me to do by hand.
  7. So this was a old post of mine(different forum) I decided to bring forward as I see many people still struggle making a good GUI I hope to help save time and effort. Enjoy Hey guys thought I'd bring you this since many people do GUI's and look for developers for them, I am sure some on you use or have used JFormDesigner. http://www.formdev.com/ For download and reference.I got passed the evaluation stage a while back and knew a little bit about .bat's, so I made this it probably isn't the greatest way in the world but you are free to make it whatever you like. Have your evaluation key already installed and you are ready for this Read and choose one : Standard title JFormDesigner -Blood Rush20 set BEFOREDATE=%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4% date [color=#ff0000]08-30-12[/color] start/d "E:\Program Files\JFormDesigner" JFormDesigner.*** ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1 pause date %BEFOREDATE% pause For those of you that use "dd-mm-yyyy" format, use this: title JFormDesigner -Blood Rush20 set day=%date:~0,2% set month=%date:~3,2% set year=%date:~6,4% set BEFOREDATE=%day%-%month%-%year% date 30-11-12 start/d "D:\JFormDesigner\JFormDesigner" JFormDesigner.*** ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1 date %BEFOREDATE% pause And this one will make your date go back to normal once the program is closed @echo off set newdate=02/02/11 set programpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\jFormDesigner" set programdrive=C: set exename=JFormDesigner.*** :: Dont change anything under here. set currentdate=%date% if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="0" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="1" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="2" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="3" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="4" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="5" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="6" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="7" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="8" goto continue if "%currentdate:~0,1%"=="9" goto continue goto fixdate :continue echo Date saved to %currentdate% echo. echo Setting new date to %newdate% date %newdate% echo. echo Starting %exename% echo Date will reset upon program shut down %programdrive% cd \. cd %programpath% start /wait %exename% echo. date %currentdate% echo Date reset to %currentdate% ping -n 1 -w 2000 >nul goto END :fixdate set currentdate=%currentdate:~4% echo Date corrected from %date% to %currentdate% echo. goto continue :END Save as JFormDesigner.bat All we basically are doing here is: getting our current date storing it setting our date to xx-xx-xx(change the red text to whatever you evaluation period was good for,any day in the period will work) waiting for the program to load with our useless pings then waiting for you to be done and press any key resetting the date to our date when we started the bat You must change your directory to your program file. Hope it's useful.In advance I can care less about your opinions on this product or what you like to use, this is simply for newer people or users of this product. I can't take every credit the different bats were completed by different individuals off my basic 1st one I wrote so Credit to whom it is due Fixz && ExoMemphiz
  8. http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/Bot.html The code you seek is in here, void setHumanInputEnabled(boolean humanInputEnabled) Sets whether or not human input is enabled. This will allow you to control it via your script
  9. As far as MessageListener http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63703-how-to-use-message-listener/ Look at this post, very simple. However you might want to consider the users chat has to be on to accept the message.
  10. This looks amazing, you could always have the script call the input disable and make a key that will unlock/lock it for this process.
  11. Agreed I see how much time this would save the average person not to mention its kinda a dummy proof system(no such thing exist). Looking through I can't find a solution like you suggested without shutting down the mouse click on the game canvas. You could block mouse clicks at the time of selection and make the click itself void. I have few other ideas but not ones i'm sure that could be pulled off without testing.
  12. I'd say use your code you posted in your other help post. Instead of using mouse clicked and drag listener, do one for key input. Possibly add a command that enables this sequence to be activated. Then do something to the extent of every time you press a key it will grab the tile the move is hovering over. Does that make sense?
  13. Can't you just bind the selection processes to a key like s instead of a mouse click? I don't think the API supports mouse inhibition without the keyboard being in the same state. At least in the current build.
  14. Your main class extends script if you look here http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/script/MethodProvider.html you can see everything that entails. Which is under the MethodProvider....which is under script.
  15. Not 100% since im not where I can freely test. The solution might be mouse().getArea(); As I said I recall doing this at one point in scripting but I'd have to test it.
  16. Agreed, people over use this everywhere without proper understanding I think this will clear up some peoples misconceptions.
  17. If I understand webwalking correctly, which i'm not 100% on I've only glanced over it. Webwalking will simply find the closest way to reach that tile. maybe the next walk-able tile closest to your destination.
  18. I also remembered you could get the position everytime you call the method and randomly add it to the coordinate number. You must be aware this wont fix the spam clicking the last tile.
  19. From what I can see the spam clicking can't be helped unless you create you own walking assistant class and adding in rules to prevent such actions.
  20. Thanks for the feedback, I will keep this in mind.
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