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Stealth Quester


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26 minutes ago, RawrChad said:

idk what was going on i was trying on my pc worked for a little bit then stopped, i kept restarting it and the client nothing. then i try my vps and boom it works? im sorry

Alright, drop me a PM with the logger contents if you encounter any issues

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1 hour ago, 123klaid said:



when dying to the quest guy it will afk at lumbridge without moving

I haven't implemented deathwalking in most quests (all except Waterfall Quest) yet

The Corsair Curse should be relatively easy to defeat with 24 HP (Witch's Potion) and some attack/strength/defence (Dragon Slayer/Fight Arena/Tree Gnome Villege)

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after update it seems to get stuck


i closed the script then started it again and seems to be loop

third time i started the script it put all banans in but gets in loop with adding rum in box, but chat is saying rum is alreayd in the box


i finished it manually till i got the key once i got the key i started the script again then it went to the chest without key and now in loop waiting there


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Hey, just a suggestion. There's likely lot's of new people to botting, probably thinking oh i can run this bot while im at school for 4 hours. But with any script (in my opinion), you should babysit it, if you get stuck/glitxh out and click some randomnly over and over, its like a guarantee ban, now especially with this script who knows when they push an update and could mess up one of the quests. Jagex security isalways improving. I'd suggest editing Original post and putting in a suggestion to babysit the script, use on MM and not over use.

There seems to be alot of people saying they get banned, I personal;ly have used this script for many accounts, completing all, or most of scripts listed (depending if pure or not), just have to be smart about botting.


Edited by greiter
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