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Best scripts for Melee Pures?


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Hey guys, im entirely new to osbot, i heard in another forum of this bot, someone said its more safe, is that true?


 I want to make a couple pures and hope that 1-2 come trough, is there a script for pures that anyone has sucessfully trained a cool acc with?


Also everywhere there are rumors of instant bans, any hints to what i can do in order for my dream pure to make it?

Like creating the account, doing random stuff myself everyday for a week, then start botting etc.?


Thanks alot!

Edited by bob1
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for melee pures you can bot rockcrabs, fleshcrawlers or experiments. There are some scripts on here which you could use.



Thank you for the quick reply! 

Rockcrabs are always so crowded, are you sure its not instantban?

Have you made any positive personal experience training a cool pure at any of these spots? 

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So i tried f2p injection each a private proxy, got to 50-60 then got banned half the bots, 

You all recommend rockcrabs, but back in the day there was regular sweaps there, can you share your experiences?

Is mirror really such a difference, as i see as many ban reports from those people?

Do you think 75-99 str only on rockcrabs is achievable with the amount of bans lately? 

So i went with: f2p, injection, each a private proxy. 

2/5 got banned at 50-60 str


Do you think i can get to 75 or 90 str at rockcrabs with one of the remaining accs?

Im a little afraid as back in the day there was regular ban waves at crabs, has anyone made good experiences there especially lately with the heavy banning?


Is mirror realy such a big difference?

Because i see tons of ban reports there too, even from people botting only 1 account a couple hours per day.


If you use mirror, does the browser mirror use the proxy set up in the bot? Im not sure how it would be possible to assign each of the mirrors the same ip as setup in the bot.


Thanks upfront guys!

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