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Looking for a game...


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Hey guys: )


I'm looking for a good steam game to play with some friends of mine. Basically, what i'm looking for:

  • Multiplayer. Maybe not MMO, but maybe co-op or 4 player etc
  • Cheap - need to buy a 4pack and i only have £25 steam wallet atm.
  • Low-spec -> My comp is a slow old laptop so I can't run games like csgo etc (I cant even run minecraft lol)
  • Strategy is good but other times are fine too
  • not fps

anyone got any suggestions? here's what i've got atm and I like:


  • binding of isaac (not multiplayer so no good)
  • Hero siege (awesome)
  • Dota 2 (struggle to run this above 5 fps

cheers <3


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