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Just sent an email to an old friend of mine I haven't spoken with in almost a year


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I am so nervous,

There was a time we didn't speak from December 2013, and then we reconnected back in October 2014 and had so much fun... Until we both lost contact yet again in December 2014.

Today marks the day I sent an email last year on this same day and then miraculously after losing contact for so long I heard back a week later. Fingers crossed I will be that lucky again this time around.


Just to clarify nothing went wrong either time we just had very busy/different lives and just lost contact(though it was thanks to me we reconnected).


I guess to keep this a question is there anyone you really miss you wish you could reconnect with? Or have you ever been in a similar situation?

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Met a kid when we were 10 on rs he gave me a black scimmy and full iron... Then he gave me msn, we stayed friends until like 5 years ago.. We just started talkin about a year ago, lost contact again after I learned he got into drugs and shit. I don't associate with that.

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Met a kid when we were 10 on rs he gave me a black scimmy and full iron... Then he gave me msn, we stayed friends until like 5 years ago.. We just started talkin about a year ago, lost contact again after I learned he got into drugs and shit. I don't associate with that.


RuneScape is the gateway drug

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