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Perfect Motherlode Miner


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Bought this script on the 1st of March. Banned 14th March.


  • Used bot in mirror mode.
  • Botted between  2 - 4 hours a day.
  • Was always after 7pm GMT (Jagex time).
  • Was using it while I was studying, so I responded to background chat etc.
  • I have never botted before or with any other tools or scripts.


It got me from 40 - 71 mining in two weeks however today I was perm banned. RIP me.

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Bought this script on the 1st of March. Banned 14th March.

  • Used bot in mirror mode.
  • Botted between  2 - 4 hours a day.
  • Was always after 7pm GMT (Jagex time).
  • Was using it while I was studying, so I responded to background chat etc.
  • I have never botted before or with any other tools or scripts.
It got me from 40 - 71 mining in two weeks however today I was perm banned. RIP me.



Bans quote:



Ah man it's always bad to hear about bans, but tbh bans are actually a lesson, you must have made a few botting mistakes during those 2 weeks, can you notice any? Also you should definitely try doubling the bot hours, but only botting on weekends. Weekend botting is muuuuch lower banrate than weekday botting.


Did you:


- Log out during rs livestreams

- Took a break if a user says 'reported for botting'

- Don't bot straight after a runescape update

- Avoid appearing as a bot with gear


Those are all I can think of, once you conquer every point and not make mistakes in botting, you will see much less bans. Mirror mode is a good point, so just delete jagexcache in user folder and start over, this time make no mistakes



can i get trial?


done good luck 24 hrs wink.png

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Bought this script on the 1st of March. Banned 14th March.


  • Used bot in mirror mode.
  • Botted between  2 - 4 hours a day.
  • Was always after 7pm GMT (Jagex time).
  • Was using it while I was studying, so I responded to background chat etc.
  • I have never botted before or with any other tools or scripts.


It got me from 40 - 71 mining in two weeks however today I was perm banned. RIP me.



This post is defo scaring me. Don't want to lose hours and hours of iron man progression.

I have about the same bot routine as you describe here. Responding to chat and everything, only bottting if I can 'babysit' it.


How can he still have been detected? Czar scripts are flawless 99% of the time.



edit: Found the 1% where it's not flawless

Spikes at this tile, waits till the rock gets thrown in front. Mines it then instead of walking to drop cargo it stays on this tile. 

This happened several times already. Making it unable to leave the bot alone for multiple hours.







Edited by xmikehaa
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Posted an update, should be able to walk better at that spot, please allow a few hours for the update to register ^^ biggrin.png


Latest version is now: 0.47



Currently running for 2 hrs atm, works very fluent again! Will report again if I 



looool while I was writing this post I tabbed back into the client only to find it out it's stuck again at another point..

As you can see I still have 0.46, unsure how I update the script, prolly an automatic process.




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