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Perfect Miner AIO


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bruv, your czar miner seems a bit off. It starts hovering a rock but then just randomly clicks a different one.. kinda seems like a waste of "hovering" if its just gonna click the other rock its not hovering over..


For example, in the alhkarid 3 way iron, it mines one, hovers over the other, clicks the other rock that it isnt hovering. 

If you want an example I can vid it. just hope this could get fixed since it seems too much of a loss of xp.

Other than this, nice man

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I couldn't test ardy mining yet because of the cloak level requirements. Anybody know the exact option on the cape to teleport to the monastery? e.g. for ring of dueling it's 'Castle wars Ring of dueling (8)' I can release a beta version of the ardy cloak plugin by guessing the menu option for teleporting ^^ :D The rest I can test as normal.

EDIT: Menu option is 'Kandarin Monastery', update coming up :) 

Activated trials gl guys :D 

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