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Everything posted by Angelclaw

  1. MIssed the Trial, but if the slave/master is working well in your opinion, i'll defs pick it up this week.
  2. Hows the master/slave fairing? Working well?
  3. Its always been buggy at teaks, especially the one south of cw
  4. fails to bank at the deposit box in port sarim, when chopping the nearby willows
  5. Yeah you let the macro drink, yeah after a while you'll be clicking on nothing, i was sceptical at first, but it works.
  6. Yeah personally ive used a 2min recording to get max atk,def and str. Simply start the recording by double clicking quick prayer, then guzzle rock cake, then go through and click an absorption every tick or so.
  7. Same, been using the same record, legit a 15min one for nearly 3 99 combat stats. Any methods for using magic/range, what monsters to kill and gear? Cheers
  8. any methods for training non combat skills besides bankstanding?
  9. Try to stay away from jewelry crafting, seems to get me banned quite a bit even in p2p
  10. No rush, would just be a cool feature, as a lot of legit players do various other skills will running coures, alching fletching etc
  11. Has it gotten worse in the past few months? Just got a few of my older accounts banned, after not playing on them for a year or two, higher leveled accounts to. Botted maybe 2-3 hours yesterday on an unflagged proxy. Used to be able to go weeks botting a few hours a day on a fresh proxy before initially getting a 2 day ban.
  12. @Czar having an issue adding certain items to my loot lists, some items can be added, some don't.
  13. +1 to this, pretty much all the other paid agility scripts have this
  14. Fails to bank at Port Sarim deposit box when chopping yews at rim @Czar
  15. Does this support spin flax?
  16. Shilo village world hoping slightly buggy, sometimes will go to hop worlds bugs out and will change back from the world hop tab to the invent and actually gets stuck, also noticed sometimes it bugs out when scrolling through the hop tab and will just mouse back and forth between 1 and 2 worlds, but won't actually hop.
  17. so blackjacking still broken?
  18. @Czar hosidius fruit stalls are broken, thieves fine from the stalls but does not drop unwanted fruit etc, also runs to the bank chest and just stands there (sometimes gets stuck when running to the chest to).
  19. I reported this months ago, only just got back into botting again. It does not even fish, from memory it used to just run south of the fishing spot, and continue running, and not sure if banking via fairy ring works either.
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