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To be real, though, no dev or premium scripter wants someone creating free scripts that outshine theirs. I know of at least one person who made a free script that was better than the only premium. He was asked to move his to premium or remove his script entirely. A bit slimely, you may think, but it's working well for OSbot and myself quite well.

Edited by boatsb4hose
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i guess its all about money

Money is what keeps the forums up. 

OSbot is nothing without scripts, 

Scripters want money for their hard, tedious work,

You want scripts.

It's kinda like farming in the Medieval days. Farmers were the most important type of people, they grew the food to support the empire. (now farmers were treated like shit, and scripters aren't) but you gotta get what I'm saying

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If someone requested a simple free script, and made a logo for me to use for it, i'd make whatever. I'm not spending money though to pay someone to make me a logo if i'm just going to lose it. I have no clue how to do anything graphics related, so I need to pay someone to do it for me.

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I would rather pay a few bucks for scripts (which I did) than use a free one, reason for that the free script writers will only put out free scripts for their names to get out there, (i think). Then merge into premium scripts, much more tedious and harder work.


Just my guesses, but what do I know, i'm just a newcomer doge.png

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