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Fruity NMZ


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Getting this on regular client mode. Doing absorbs with 4 suiper range, 23 absorbs. Gets stuck after getting the potions

[ERROR][Bot #1][02/16 10:42:54 AM]: Error in script executor!
    at com.fruityscripts.a.c.a.aUx.j(r:66)
    at com.fruityscripts.FruityNMZ.onLoop(kd:191)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hj:225)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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On 2/14/2018 at 9:49 AM, Fruity said:

I have fixed the entry stuff

Just a heads up that when it is accepted, you will need to change up your saved profiles to select the new option from the dropdown 

Working flawless now!

8 hours ago, Spank said:

trial please

He's already quoted you and replied once; no trials are being given out atm. Buy the script. It's cheap and it's worth it.

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2 hours ago, WillR said:

Selecting the 'hard' dream option in the GUI lags the client and the script spews out errors. I'll edit this post with the error code when I'm back at my pc.

Must be something your end as I've just restarted mine on Hard and it's fine. Unless it's a temperamental issue like the dialogue was.

Also bare in mind:

On 2/14/2018 at 9:49 AM, Fruity said:

Just a heads up that when it is accepted, you will need to change up your saved profiles to select the new option from the dropdown 

So if you're loading from a pre-saved profile, delete them all and re-enter your options.

Edited by UkBenH
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2 hours ago, UkBenH said:

@Fruity Can you add a check for if it's clicked on a tree or not? Sometimes when it starts up & camera angle changes or something, it'll right click to talk to Dom but will missclick and click a tree, where it will stand endlessly until stopped.

Should be able to add it - currently got keyboard issues so if it doesnt require me to type 'm' '.' ',' keys i can do it now :D else just guna have to pop out and buy a keyboard

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Bought the script but can’t get it to run right :/ could someone help me?


So it’s my first time doing nmz on accounts so I have 0 points so I go in with pray Pots and super combat. I set up script with prayer and put in my inv and all that, but for some reason my accounts always dies within 30 mins and I still have 9/10 pray pots in inventory and some super combat potions. I looked at log and saw nothing. I checked it just stops drinking prayer potions after 2-3rd sip 


Also when I have low/no points to buy any more asorbs or overloads, I set up script to amoun of potions  I have in my inventory (to get points so I can eventually buy more) but instead of registering to use the ones in my inventory and not buying more until I have enough points, it just keeps trying to buy more potions to match the number I put in script ( but I put those number of pots because they are in my inventory already not because I have enough to buy more of same amount)


also does anyone have recommendations on setups or options to select in script. Watched lots of vids but trying find one for ranging, melee and 1def purée and just wanted your guys opinions too.

Edited by will_of_fire
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