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Perfect Woodcutter


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Hmm are you 100% sure breaks were enabled in the client? Otherwise, latest OSBot version? ^^ biggrin.png


Yeah I think so.




This is what I run right now and I'll update this post after 49 mins to verify. It wasn't taking breaks yesterday.


Edit: Looks like it is taking a break! WTF happened last night IDK but it's working now. LMAO.

Edited by Hayase
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havibg problems with the script. ill strat it up and it start to walk to the magic trees near the range guilde and he just stops i sat there for 4 hours.....after i realized it i tried to restart it and it did the same thing.....took the first few steps then stopped

scripts not working just stops after starting near range guilde on magics trees

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[iNFO][09/22 09:52:49 PM]: Started script : Perfect Woodcutter

[ERROR][bot #1][09/22 10:12:13 PM]: Error in bot executor!

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getDestinationX()I

at org.osbot.rs07.api.Map.getDestination(sg:183)

at perfect.scripting.b.c.auX.c(zn:400)

at perfect.scripting.b.b.prn.c(qh:1247)

at perfect.scripting.b.b.prn.l(qh:2322)

at perfect.scripting.b.b.prn.g(qh:727)

at nuL.onLoop(mh:100)

at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ao:83)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


cutting yews at rimmington

Edited by 3hituboned
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Hmm try restarting client or a different walking mode, it seems to be working on walking option 2 biggrin.png Btw guys I added 4 walking modes in case anything goes wrong, so try magic trees (near range guild) with a different walking option.


the last walking option is the default osbot walking system and should work 99.9% of the time biggrin.png




There was a client update, update coming up for the error in the console log ASAP. It seems to only work some of the time :(

Edited by Czar
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