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Ex Staff


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1. How long should they have served before being eligible for the rank? I'd say at least 3 months to prove their worth.

2. Do you think they should get it for doing minimal work and never being active after their departure from the team? The titled is earned for what they did while being staff. That being said, any activity relating to after they resign from staff is irrelevant. If the rank is given, then it should remain permanently (unless banned or TwC is awarded).

3. Are you currently fine with this ex staff list? Yes

4. If not who and why would you take them off, do not answer if you were not active when they were here. You can pm me so your answer is confidential.

The ex-staff rank shows some trust as they once were volunteers on this site and cared for the community. The rank also should be looked as prestigious and respect a member has earned by being a part of OSBot. I do think modlogs should play some role in determining whether an ex-staff member is worthy of being granted the title but not entirely. OSBot should take a look specifically at what all that member did while staff. Did they contribute to the actual client, OSBot members and/or help in general? Were they respectful and curteous to everyone? Did they handle conflict well? What about their amount of mistakes and those mistakes' severity? These are all critical questions I believe should be took into account when deciding whether or not a member should be awarded ex-staff. I'm sure there's more features.. I wrote this up quickly as I'm in class (will edit and add further factors in about a hour or so). :)

Edited by Whopper
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  • Administrator

Can you put retired staff group?


So we can really know who "Retired from the staff team" and who got "demoted from his rank".

If they are ex staff they left on good terms, resigned, or got demoted for inactivity. No one on the current ex staff team has any bad blood with OSBot, except one person, but I can't make that call to ban them.

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If they are ex staff they left on good terms, resigned, or got demoted for inactivity. No one on the current ex staff team has any bad blood with OSBot, except one person, but I can't make that call to ban them.

A very wise choice I see, in the mean time can you link me to where all the rank pips are? Lol I forgot.

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How long should they have served before being eligible for the rank?

- They should get it as long as they have previously been a staff and did not scam or anything along those lines. Imo, it doesn't matter how long they have served.


Do you think they should get it for doing minimal work and never being active after their departure from the team?

- I do think so. I personally do not see the pip as a reward, but an indicator. An ex-staff is an ex-staff whether they have met expectations or not. You chose them to be part of your team, so they deserve that pip when they are demoted.


Are you currently fine with this ex staff list

- Yes


If not who and why would you take them off, do not answer if you were not active when they were here. You can pm me so your answer is confidential.

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