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Ex Staff


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Ex staff is useless.

They aren't trusted.

Asuna and arctic scammed me for my virginity. sad.png

But mod logs aren't a good indicator and I don't like judging people based on that alone.

I don't care who has it, it's not like it makes any difference or gives them power.

It doesn't mean trust or respect or anything, but people certainly can see it as that way.

You would know all about that, now wouldn't you?

sell me 500m im trusted

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I like the current list. I also hate judging people exclusively or even mostly by mod logs. It promotes farming mod logs which is a massive waste of time. We all served the OSBot community to some degree, some more than others, but in the end most of us had the right intentions. 


If only we could assemble a dream team of all the best! doge.pngwub.pngdoge.png


Stay sexy OSBot.

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  • Administrator

Bear in mind that it is, after all, called "Ex Staff". It's not called "Ex Staff After _ Months". It is also not "Ex Staff And Active Every Single Day".

You think If I promote someone to staff and 1 day later they leave, they deserve the rank? The rank is looked at as a respected person of the community and that Served as a staff member not had a title for a month and did nothing.

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I was a respected member of this community, still am. And I got my rank taken, I served time and granite it may not be as much as others, I set the tone for this community and helped the growth. I was one of the very few trusted here for a LONG time. I don't feel I deserved to have the hard work, time and dedication taken from me.

*And not only that, hellllla people are confused with who I am now.

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