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Should I become a vegetarian?


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I have wondered if I should in the past. The only reason I am not is because I am used to eating meat, but I only eat lean meats like chicken, turkey and tuna. I could live without it; I am just used to lean meats, but I especially like vegetarian food often times more than actual meat =).

I just don't know if it's worth it, I mean I am already really healthy but will it make me even healthier or is it going to be no different?


Would especially appreciate the perspective of vegetarians/vegans or really anyone who understands the human body really well.


Thanks in advance!


Regards, Noah

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If you're already healthy then what is the point to change? 


By becoming vegan/vegetarian you're putting yourself in an inconvenience. Instead of limiting yourself in that way, you should just limit yourself in general. 

For example, don't eat junk food. It's as simple as that.


Meat provides you with a lot of nutrition, and for myself It's a big portion of my meals everyday. 


Unless you have a religious reason to cut the meat, I don't think you should.

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Do you think by it about the "poor animals" or only about your health?

Mostly concerned with health reasons.

It's sad when the animals die of course but that's nature, the circle of life.

There are animals out there( Lions, Tigers and bears oh my!) that'd happily eat any of us people without thinking twice, so I fail to see why it's wrong to eat animals, as long as they're not tortured into death or throughout their life time.

That said I don't agree with animal cruelty, and I think it's sad the bad condition's farm animals are kept in and how they're later put down.

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You should only become vegetarian because you're against the killing of animals.

Is it healthier? Some claim it is, others say the opposite.

You could really use a portion meat every day but then again you can swap the substances in meat you need by finding it in other products.

Just start with only eating poultry and fish. That's what my brother has been doing for about 5 years.

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Mostly concerned with health reasons.

It's sad when the animals die of course but that's nature, the circle of life.

There are animals out there( Lions, Tigers and bears oh my!) that'd happily eat any of us people without thinking twice, so I fail to see why it's wrong to eat animals, as long as they're not tortured into death or throughout their life time.

That said I don't agree with animal cruelty, and I think it's sad the bad condition's farm animals are kept in and how they're later put down.



You should only become vegetarian because you're against the killing of animals.

Is it healthier? Some claim it is, others say the opposite.

You could really use a portion meat every day but then again you can swap the substances in meat you need by finding it in other products.

Just start with only eating poultry and fish. That's what my brother has been doing for about 5 years.


I am one opinion with @Anne!

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Were any of our ancestors really vegetarians? Spartans? Cavemen? Like c'mon, its a fad. Don't follow what the media tells you. You need your amino acids from meat. All the vegetarians I know break their diet over a period of time and purge on junk. Meat is good. So you care about the living? Stop using paper and save the trees. tongue.png

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I was a vegetarian for about 6 months, pretty much lived on a baked potato every night for my dinner lol, I didn't get why I do it now, but back then I wanted to prove I don't have to eat meat, lost alot of weight and muscle in the process.

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