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OSBot 2.3.12 - Local Walker and Connections


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The local walker changes affect mainly the walkPath method, giving scripters greater control over it. Additionally, I've been looking a bit deeper into various connections issue which are reported in our server logs. I believe the changes made will be a step in the right direction to ensure all members are alleviated of various issues.




Local Walker:

-Added method setEnergyThreshold

-Added method getEnergyThreshold

-walkPath will check if the final destination is on the minimap before traversing the path

-walkPath now uses energyThreshold value

--energyThreshold has a default value of 30



-ConnectionError parser updated



-Added additional error codes

-Removed unused update code (replaced by AutoUpdater)

-Cleaned up connections on both the client and server


Non-client related:

-Camera hooks updated (say thanks to @Zach)

-The SDN went through a pretty big sweep. Thank you @Oliver for helping out.


Have a great Thursday morning,

-The OSBot Staff

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