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Perfect Fisher AIO


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1 hour ago, Czar said:

Hmm I thought you get the pet automatically, how does the process look like? I can add it perhaps. :D 



Yes it will either follow you or appear in your inventory, but if you have the fish set to drop, won't it drop the pet? I'm not sure how logging out with a pet works.

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10 hours ago, Czar said:

Will check out the drop tuna thing, did you select swordfish + drop other fish? It only works if you're not banking. Which settings did you enable? Banking, drop 1, drop all?

As for port sarim going upstairs, will check it out and add a fail-safe there ASAP :D

As for tasks: choose the levelling task, so stop at X level, then type the level you wanna stop the task at.

So if I wanna get 1-40 fishing, I do something like:

new task -> fish shrimp -> stop at level 30

new task -> fish trout -> stop at level 40

and it should do those tasks in order :D

I was using the bank option so that explains it. cheers dude

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Not currently, it is difficult to implement tick without getting banned currently. Maybe in the future ^^ :D

As for fishing pet: will be adding 'Heron' to anti-drop list.

Planned features: next one will be barb cooking hopefully :D

YESS!!!!!!! BARB COOKING!!!!!!

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Hello, here's a proggy:
Fishing 5h Proggy


And just a few things, not sure if it's webwalker or your code:

when clicking a bank booth, sometime it spazes between the two (like going back and forth between two bank booths 8 times in a second, then misclicking a banker) and looks super unnatural

snapping from the backpack to the map is pretty fast

moves the camera a bit too much but maybe that's just me :/

Seeing a bit less issue with the gp/h but sometimes the numbers will inflate again :(

All in all, great script!

Edited by transientnight
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